Trying to replicate pass-by-reference behavior in JavaScript: How to modify my code appropriately -
Then I have 2 functions which I was hoping to work together to bounce an object around a div Will do I am using a graphics library, so there will be some unfamiliar pieces below. I think that you will still understand the summary of what I am trying to do.
Function Homepages_create the raffel object in place of the device with the "home endive" id with id (/) *, * / var pappos = $ ("# homeanidiv"). Event (); var papx = pappos.left; var papy =; Var papheight = $ ("# HomeAnnive"). Height (); Var papwidth = $ ("# homeanidiv") Width (); var paper = rafael (papix, pappy, papwith, paphyte); / * Paper: The place in which the circle is bound * / var circx = Math.floor (Math.random (* * number.MAX_VALUE)% papwidth; Var circy = Math.floor (Math.random (* * MAX_VALUE)% papheight; / * circus, circus: the initial position of the circle on the paper * / var mycirc = (circuses, cerci, 10); mycirc.attr ("filling", "# f9c624"); var theta = math.floor (Math.Random (* * Number.mx_avna)% 4 + 1; / * Theta = 1 <---> Object is going to 45-degree angle theory = 2 <---> ; Object is going to 135-degree angle atta = 3 & lt; --- & gt; Object to 225 degree Going on theta = 4 <---> Object 315 degree angle * / var circwrapper = New array is moving on (mycirc, theta); Window.setInterval (function () {move_obj (Circuit, Papewith ;), Function, move_obj (obwrap, backwidth, backlight) {var ob = obwrap [0]; // object var th = obwrap [1]; // theta, the current direction of the object var bb = Ob .bgx (); // the bounding box for the object var dx = 0; var dy = 0; if (BBX & gt; = Backwidth & amp; Amp; Amp; (th == 1 || th == 2)) dx = -1; And if (bbxx = 0 & amp; amp; (th == 3 || th == 4)) dx = 1; If (BB.A.> = Batchite & amp; (th == 2 || Th == 3)) = 0; And if (BBA & lt; = 0 & amp; (th == 1 || th == 4)) dy = 1; Ob.transform ("T" + dx + "," + dy); If (DX == 1 & amp; amp; dy == -1) th = 1; And if (dx == 1 & amp; amp; dy == 1) th = 2; And if (dx == -1 & amp; amp; dy == 1) th = 3; Other // (dx == -1 & amp; amp; dy == -1) th = 4; Obrepe [0] = Ob; Obrepe [1] = th; } The problem I've found after testing my page is: My function move_obj (...) does not really affect the first parameter To pass it you can see at the end of my function that I have obrepe [0] = ob; Obrepe [1] = th; This indicates that I am actually trying to modify the value of the array which has been passed as the first parameter
is my problem Is there a "quick fix" for? I do not try to go back and make a global variable.
Just you know, I have researched the issue of passing in context in JS and it has been told that the arrays have been passed by reference: so I do not know what is going wrong.
Returns the function "Re-assign after trick"
window.setInterval (function {} wrap {varcorp }, 100); The array assigns new values to works , but it only affects the array. When you create an array, you are making copies of two variable values. There is no indirect relation between array slots and variables, so changes in the array do not affect the values of the independent variable.
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