php - Symfony + Doctrine: Models and Inheritance -

I have separated my model from my institutions. I have three models with related institutions: review, rated review, And Scanned Reviews Their relationship has been reviewed by Scanned Review's Extended Rated Review.

So for my model I have:

  // project / reviewbundle / model / review.php class review {} // project / review bundle / model / Rated Review. FP Class Rated Review Review {} / Project / Review Bundle / Model / Scride Review PP Class Scratch Review Expands Rated Review {}   

Then I model the institutions, like:

  // project / review bundle / unit / review . use php project \ review bundle \ models \ review as BaseReview; Class review expands bassreview {} / project / review bundle / unit / rated review. FPP Expands Projects' Review Bundle \ Models \ Rated Reviews Bestseller Reviews; Class rated reviews Besrtted Review Expansion {} / Project / Review Bundle / Unit / ScrudereviewPPP Project \ Review Bundle \ Model \ Sced Resewes BaseScoreview; Class Scout Review increases BSccoreview {}   

hence the model is inheriting on the side. The principle is not able to see it, and I consider the map to separate the tables because the principle only looks for institutions to expand other institutions, and not for the institutions that expand the units.

To maintain the capacity to raise institutions, do I have to separate the model from the institutions? Is this the place where work is easy?

Put another way, can anyway be a tree made from a model and a tree which enhances those models?

I have come up with a solution to this issue, and it contains symptoms.

I'm trying to basically make several variations of a table. The relationship between the reviews is more horizontal than the vertical (one type of review can be evaluated in the evaluation, the second is no video, the other two) the symptoms are apparently perfect for horizontal relationships, so instead of making models for each variation, I Generate symptoms.

So now my "models" look like this:

  // project / review bundle / unit / review Use Php Project \ ReviewBundle \ Model \ as review BaseReview; Class review bassreview {} / / project / review bundle / unit / rated radiate. PPP attribute rated revuittet {} // project / review bundle / unit / screedrettract.fp attribute scrap review {}   

and look at my organizations like this:

  // Project / review bundle / unit / review. use php project \ review bundle \ models \ review as BaseReview; Class review bassreview {} / project / review bundle / unit / rated review. Fpp project \ review bundle \ models \ rated retweet; Class rated review has been reviewed {Usage rated revivitates; } // project / review bundle / unit / screed review. PPP project \ review bundle \ models \ rated retweet; Project \ ReviewBundle \ Model \ Scanderettat; Class Scanned Review has been reviewed [Usage Rated Rev. Use ScoredReviewTrait; }   

My models remain separate from my institutions and as a bonus I reduce the differences from each other ??? Big brother I see that the only issue is that for PHP & gt; = 5.4


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