php - convert excel cell containing json into csv -

I have a series of test cases in the xlsx format which I have to convert to a CSV file, though there are some lines Jason Snippets of are mixed directly with text and they have line breaks (/ n) (return) within the room. It is converting a nightmare into CSV. I change my test cases in CSV to test rail Application Section (which I am trying to import is suggesting a php script), but CSV Jesn cells with content will not work script after failing to delimit, please) help! The script is expected to contain: Title, Type, Priority, Phase, Result.

1 line of data in the xlxs file (Office 2011 for Mac) includes: Title: Test 1 Type: Some test types in the text i.e.: 'regression' priority: some text, that is 'high', phase: create a capable profile with only one base visit history rule Ie: json body:

  {"Name": "only basic rules", "description": "" only one basic rule "}}   

The result: There is some text with ctrl + alt + option such as BTDN Sentence: Verify 400 Bad Request is returned with the same error msg 'Request content was bad: Key not found: Name'.

To get the data directly from the xlxs file, your best bet is to write a script .xlsx files are just a standard zip file inside an XML file that contains some other files with data and style. A There is already XLSX parser in your language that you can use.

If you want to stick to the CSV route, then Excel 2013 appears to export new lines inside the new Sense \ N But use \ r \ n for the end of the field and records so that you can be able to tell the difference between the new line embedded in the field and the end of the record that how you are parse the CSV file: By using the hustler that does not support T, the cap finely can be straightforward to read XLSX directly.


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