
Showing posts from June, 2013

ios - NSDataDetector & NSDate returning current date -

I am trying to use an NSString that has a date / time, and create an NSDate object from it, I can manipulate accordingly accordingly I have not used NSDataDetector in the past with any issue, however, when I try it now, it has come to know that the current date is returning to the date given in the string. Can anyone please explain why this string will not return the date as I have used in the past? Or how to get the best advice? Many thanks. NSString * myDate = @ "2014-03-13T12: 31: 00-07: 00"; __bloc NSDate * detected; NSDataDetector * Detector = [NSDataDetector dataDetectorWithTypes: NSTextCheckingAllTypes Error: Zero]; [Detector Mats Instreaming: Meridate Options: Canil Option Range: Block using NSMKrange (0, [Maiden Lettness]): (NSTExcinning Result * Result, NSmaking Flags Flags, Balls * Stop) {Detected = ResultsDate; }]; NSLog (@ "Result:% @", detectedDate); View replies from @gaige in comments, who said: - I did a quick test by removing ...

javascript - IE8 - SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'getContext' -

I get an error in IE8, when I load the jspdf.debug.js file and SCRIPT257: Error 80020101 could not complete the operation . I searched for Google, did not find any relevant answer. Please help me solve my problem Thank you. This is due to recently added PNG support, and the latest release * The file from just a new dist *: You will not support PNG here, though.

sql server - Split Rows data to Columns in SQL -

मेरे पास निम्न डेटा वाला एक टेबल है दिनांक मान ------ --------------- 2014-01-01 20 2014-01-02 18 2014-01-03 06 2014-02-01 22 2014-02-02 162 2014-02-03 16 यहां मेरे पास 2 महीने के पहले 3 तिथियां हैं मुझे आउटपुट मिला है दिनांक जनवरी 2014 फरवरी 2014 ------------------------- 01 20 06 02 18 162 03 06 16 टेस्ट डेटा DECLARE @ TABLE TABLE ([दिनांक] DATE, मान INT) @ मूल्य मानों में सम्मिलित करें ('2014-01-01', 20), ('2014-01-02', 18), ( '2014-01-03', 06), ('2014-02-01', 22), ('2014-02-02', 162), ('2014-02-03', 16) [दिनांक], दिनांक [दिनांक], बाएं (DATENAME (महीना, [दिनांक] से क्वेरी SELECT * FROM (चयन दिन ([दिनांक]) ), 3) + '' (साल) (एनईएचएआरएएआर के रूप में [दिनांक]), एनओएचएआरएएआर (4) मोन_ ययय वाई, टैबल से मूल्य) टी पीआईवीओटी (एसएम (मान) मोन_यवायय इन ([जनवरी 2014], [फरवरी 2014]) ) पी परिणाम सेट एक ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? एक ???? एक ???? एक ???? एक ?? | â ???? एक ???? एक ???? एक ???? एक ???? एक ??? ? ...

How to check characters and special chatacerts entered in a textbox in Jquery? -

There are letters and special characters to check the text data entered in jquery. If this is the case, then I need to display the error message. I need to execute another method. Tell me How to check the letters and special characters of a text in Jquery? I think that you need to validate the user, whether the data is numeric or not in this case Use jQuery.isNumeric (); In Jquery to validate the entered data user.

Pandas' merge returns a column with _x appended to the name -

I have dataframe, columns in df1 are A, B, C, D. . and df2 are the columns A, B, E, F ... The columns I want to merge columns A b is also the same (most likely) in both data frames. Although this is a big data set, I am working on cleansing, so I do not have a very good overview of everything yet. I have a column called b merge (df1, df2, at = 'a') and the result is B_X. Since the data set is big and dirty, I have not tried to check that in B_X B in df1 and b in from df2 How is it different So my question is simply in general: What is the meaning of the Pandas when it has added the _x to the merged dataframe in the name of the column? Thanks Suffixes are added for any clashes in column names Merge is not included in the operation, see. In your case, if you think that they are similar then you can merge them into two columns: pd.merge (df1, df2, on = [ 'A', 'b']) What this will do, however, is the only values ​​...

c# - Linq joining tables -

मेरे पास दो टेबल हैं T1 ========== tid pId bId desc 1 11 10 xyz 2 9 7 एबीसी 3 11 9 tyy और टी 2 ======== आईडी आईआईडी एप 1 10 मुख्य 2 9 फ्रंट 3 10 फ्रंट 4 8 टॉप 5 10 मुख्य 2 6 9 नया एम मेरा मॉडल वर्ग सार्वजनिक वर्ग का परीक्षण {public int tid {get; सेट;} | सार्वजनिक अनिवार्य बोली {प्राप्त करें; सेट:} सार्वजनिक IEnumerable & lt; T2 & gt; टी 2 {प्राप्त; सेट;}} मैं लिनक्स क्वेरी लिखना चाहता हूं ताकि मैं टेस्ट क्लास की सूची का चयन कर सकूं var रिकॉर्ड = टी 2 में पर के बराबर होता है जहां == आईडी का चयन {....}); मैं linq क्वेरीज़ के लिए एक तरह का नया हूँ कृपया मुझे बताएं कि मैं यह क्वेरी कैसे लिख सकता हूं। धन्यवाद इसे आज़माएं: var रिकॉर्ड = (टी 1 से टी 1 में टी 2 में टी 2 में टी 2 पर टी 1 पर टाइप करें। बीआईडी ​​बराबर है टी 2.बीड जहां टी 1.आईडी == आईडी का चयन नया परीक्षण {tid = t1.tid, bid =}); विदेशी मुद्रा (रिकॉर्ड में विभिन्न रिकॉर्ड) {record.t2 = (टी 2 में टी 2 से, जहां == रिकॉर्ड.बीआईडी ​​का चयन करें नया टी 2 {id = t2...

xamarin.ios - Getting run time warning in xamarin iOS -

I'm making xamarin iOS application. And write my project is based on Push Notification Push Notification registration After Code apping this public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication application, NSDictionary options) {// some code UIRemoteNotificationType notificationType = UIRemoteNotificationType.Alert. | UIRemoteNotificationType.Badge | UIRemoteNotificationType.Sound; UIApplication.SharedApplication.RegisterForRemoteNotificationTypes (Notification Type); // some code} public override void RegisteredForRemoteNotifications (UIApplication application, NSData deviceToken) {// some code} public override void FailedToRegisterForRemoteNotifications (UIApplication application, NSError error) {Console.WriteLine ( "Error AppDelegate Push Notification"); New UIAlertview ("Error for Push Notification", Error. Localized Descriptration, Blank, "OK", blank). Show (); } Public override zero ReceivedRemoteNotification (UIApplication application, ...

c# - dispatcherTimer doesn't work accurately -

I need to capture 10 frames per second of a live camera for 15 minutes. I use a departure timer class But it seems that it does not work correctly how to make it right? I also do not save the image because it takes time and I keep it in memory, but still it does not work properly. Should I use another library? counter01 = new dispatch timer (); Counter01.Tick + = new event handler (counter cardiac); Counter01.Invival = New TimeSpain (0, 0, 0, 100); // every 100 milliseconds == 10 frames per second that: Timer is not guaranteed to fix the time interval, but it is guaranteed not to execute before the time interval. You can check, it can help you.

charts - Is there any chard library for android like this? -

Is there any Chad Library for Android that can make such cheses? or something like that I hope you can use this library, where you can show it as progress if you want or just plain progress

php - how to set auto increment id in doctrine2 odm in zf2? -

I have used the doctrine2 odm in zf2 and I want to create automatic increment ID, I auto increment the calendar id But do not save it in the database, how can I increase the Calendar ID auto and save it in the database? Here's my code: & lt; Php namespace calendar \ documents; Use the principle \ ODM \ MongoDB \ mapping \ annotation as ODM; // Use theory \ ODM \ MongoDB \ DocumentRepository; / ** @ODM document (collection = "calendar") * / class calendar {/ ** @ODM \ Id * / private $ id; / ** @ODM \ field (type = "int", strategy = "sequence") * / personal $ calendar_id; / ** @ ODM \ field (type = "intestine") * / personal $ user_id; / ** @ ODM \ field (type = "string") * / private $ title; / ** @ ODM \ field (type = "string") * / personal $ details; / ** * Return table field * / Public function getProperty ($ property) {if (property_exists ($ $, $ properties)) {$ $ - $ property; }} Public Function Setting Proper...

Difference in Liquibase Maven/CLI parameters -

Very useful parameters for Mewen update work (for example, ChangeLognameNname) are: but they are not mentioned in the CLI page. For LiquidBase updates: Is it possible to pass these parameters? Thanks! You can also use liquibase --help to return to the command line Even options can be there, there may be something which was missed in the docs. I am working to improve the compatibility and convenience parity among different ways to run the libibabs, but still there are some features that it has not yet created in all ways. . ChangelogCatalogName and ChangelogSchemaName look like two fields that have not been created in CLI parameters yet, but you are able to specify them as system properties - Dliquibase.catalogName = ABC and -Dliquibase.schemaName = XYZ

java - Only getting the same udp packets -

I am a newbie in Java and I just have 2 programs that use UDP packets (Client and Server). The client gets the integer from the user and sends that number to the server. The server then reduces the integer to 2 and sends it back to the client. Until the client receives a non-positive number from the server, the messages will need to move further. The problem is that I get the same number. Does anyone know how to solve this? Do I need many loops? import; Import; Import; Import; Import java.nio.biteBuffer; Import java.util.Scanner; Public class client {public static zero main (string [] args throws IOException {DatagramSocket DS = new datagram (socket); System.out.println ("insert number:"); Scanner = new scanner (; Int num = s.nextInt (); Int port = 1 999; Byte [] byteSend = Byte Buffer.Olock (4) .putir (num). Array (); InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName ("loc...

osx - LLVM Opt missing in OS X 10.9.2 -

I am using HSchel's GHC to create an LLV code but it can be used by opt I can not get it, I speeded up the problem and recommended setting up the LLVM from homebrew, which I did but there is no opt on my way. I am thinking of where I received it Can I compile the LHLM code with GHC? The only solution I found was to download prebilt binaries from the LLV Web site: / div>

jquery - CSS3 translateX not working -

When I click on a menu item I am trying to animate many items on the screen ... all the animations but one Working as desired. I want to move from the right side of the page to the main content (section) but it appears without just the sliding, but it is relevant CSS code: section {width: 920px ; Background: RGB (247, 239, 239); Status: Completed; Left: 2000 pixels; Top: 240 pixels; Padding: 20px; }. FadeInRight {-webkit-transition: 1s easy-in-out; -Moose-infection: 1s easily out; -M-infection: 1s easily out; -O-Infection: 1s easily out; Infection: 1s easily out; Webkit-transform: Translation X (-2000px); -MOZ-TRANSFORM: translatex (-2000px); -mms-transform: translate x (-2000px); -o-conversion: translateX (-2000px); Conversion: Translator X (-2000px); } html code: & lt; Section id = "content" class = "fadeInRight" & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; After clicking on one of the links in the footer, you can see the action in the code. Any a...

java - ClassCastException getting remote stub from JBoss 7 with JNLP -

I have written an adapter to get the remote interface of my Bean from Zebus 7. throws public DeDaptator (Reference Reference, Boolean Remote) DADEETExchange {try {if (context == null} {context = new InitialContext (); } String race = "ear_name / jar_name / dadfarben! Xxx.yyy.DAdapterRemote"; dAdapter = (IDAdapter) context.lookup (res); } Hold (Exception pre) {ex.printStackTrace (); Throw new DADEptor Exxon ("Could not make DMSAdapter service.", Prior); }} Dedaptatom is a remote interface, extending to IDEdair. Its EJB3 If I run this method with Sandbox (Eclipse) then it works like a magic but when I do it in the context of my JNLP application, I get class class exposure. context.lookup (res) gives me sun.proxy. The $ proxy is the methods declared in both cases and its id adapter. I also tried reflections, but it seems that the version of the logic class is different from the ones used in the interface - at least it can not be found in the proper ma...

Average Length of Text String in Excel Array -

It is very easy to use the LAN () function to check the length of many cells and then move the average. Although it works well for small numbers of cells (like average (LAn (A1), LN (A2)), but it does not scale very well. I was thinking that in a way For example, I was thinking that the average (L.A. (A1: A1000) (probably using an array formula) was the average (or actually, to apply any numerical formula) of multiple cells at a time in Excel. )) Will be possible. The!! As I mentioned in the above comments, you can use your formula: = AVERAGE (LAN (A1: A1000)) with CTRL + SHIFT + ) - splitting a string into multiple variables -

I'm trying to split a string into several variables into the data in my string of spaces There is separate data from a different (random) number. "Mike Smith 123 23 33 2 1" I've tried string.split method though I'm having trouble handling numerical data . String dim strFirstName, as strLastName, str_devil intAvg, intHcp, intTotalPins, intGamesTracked as integer strUserInfo = lstUsers.SelectedItem string strider (), as the slow strUserInfo. Strarr = strUserInfo.Split ("." C) as strings strFirstName = strarr (0) strLastName = strarr (1) If you do not know how many locations are between each section, you would want to use this surcharge, such as: strarr = strUserInfo.split ( New Variable () {""}, String Split Option. RemoveEmptyEntries) And when you want to store in a integer variable, ): strFirstName = strarr (0) strLastN intevg = CIn (strarr (2)) intHcp = CInt (strarr (3)) intTotalPins = CInt (strarr (4)) intGamesTracked ...

objective c - Game Center Turn Based matches. Multiple type match inside one game? -

IM enhanced its game with game center turn-based matches, though my game has got 4 game modes and I I'm different from making multiplayer mode. I have successfully made the first mode, however, if I try to load another GK Tornabazar McMaker Week Controller then I get matches and same game as before match. Is there a way to create different types of matches inside a game? This property is possible with a GKMatchRequest . When you specify it for the request, it will only make a match, if it can be found by any other player with match request of the same group. For more information, read.

javascript - Insert a Print Button for A website Form -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैं एक जोड़ने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ स्कॉटलैंड में एक स्वैच्छिक संगठन के लिए बनाए गए वेबसाइट पर एक फ़ॉर्म के लिए प्रिंट बटन। मुझे इस बात पर बल देना होगा कि मैं एचटीएमएल या जावास्क्रिप्ट में विशेषज्ञ नहीं हूं, लेकिन मेरी पूरी कोशिश करता हूं। 20 नवंबर 2013 को दिए गए सवाल के जवाब में ऐसा लगता है कि यह काम करना चाहिए, लेकिन नहीं। मुझे संदेह है कि मैंने कुछ नामों को सही या परिभाषित नहीं किया है। मेरा परीक्षण वेबपेज है: "post-text" itemprop = "text"> मैं किसी भी उद्देश्य के लिए & lt; a href = "javascript: .. something .." & gt; उपयोग को हतोत्साहित करता हूं, और विशेषकर कार्यों को करने के लिए लिंक का उपयोग करता हूं, बजाय बटन को पसंद करता हूं। यदि आपके पास & lt; div & gt; सामान & lt; / div & gt; & lt; div & gt; अधिक सामान & lt; / div & gt; & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "बटन" id = "print" value = "यह पृष्ठ प्रिंट करें" & gt; आ...

exe - How to create silent install using Winrar for Setup program 'Run after installation' -

I can make general silence performance by choosing the 'hide all' option in Silent mode through the SFX options. But when I add files to the SFX options - & gt; Setup program - & gt; Run after extraction 'e.g. Devnode.exe devnode.exe does not run silently What is a way to run setup file silently? If devnode exe is a console application and a Windows (GUI) application It can not be avoided. Only Windows applications can be executed without showing the window if the application is coded when the window is not opened on execution. However, it is generally a good practice to understand what is happening to complete a collection of self-removing a user. Using a self-extract collection requires a completely hidden installation, mainly because of bad guys. The console application is required to run, which is best done with running a batch file after removing a good installation of an application batch file before running the console application from within ...

performance - How to speed up least-cost path model at large spatial extents -

From then on, I try to find a way to speed up my least costly route model which is large Runs on the scale. In my scenario, there is a limit of 100 kms (1 patch = 1 pixel with 1000 patch x 1000 patch) At the moment, my code works but it runs very slowly: my code It takes several hours to attract the lowest cost route. The problem is that my model develops during 100 days of discrete time stages of 100 days and in my scenario I have 1000 wolves for each wolf and every step, my model is made of polygon (made of several patches) At least the route will be constructed between the 3 km around the wolf. There is a wolf and all the polygons located within the scope of I used a new version of NW-Extension and I tried to customize my model by saving all the costs, which by already attracting the least cost Has been calculated to avoid. Unfortunately, my code is still slow and I do not know how it will speed up. Route to Cost-Multi-Polygon [ID-Polygon-1 ID-Polygon-2] Path-Cost-1;; Def...

php - Wordpress exclude category from blog in twenty twelve template -

I googling around without having to use a plugin, how to exclude a category from my blog I I came up with this: & lt ;? Php query_posts ('cat = -2'); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php while (is_pause ()): the_post (); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? php get_template_part ('content', 'page'); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php // comments_template ('', is true); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? php timeline; // the end of the loop? & Gt; But this does not remove blog posting with the category id of 2. Why can this be clarified? Try this: query_posts ($ query_string. '& Amp; ; Cat = -2 ');

PHP Redirect not working headers already sent -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 11 उत्तर तो मेरे पास कुछ कोड है जो एक MySQL आधारित लॉगिन ईमेल पते का उपयोग करता है कोड का वह भाग महान काम करता है मेरे पास तब होता है जब मैं ईमेल पते के सत्यापन के बाद अनुरोध किए गए पृष्ठ पर रीडायरेक्ट करने का प्रयास करता हूं। यह एक वाईफाई प्रमाणीकरण के लिए है ताकि हेडर फंक्शन डायनामिक स्ट्रिंग वेरिएबल को भेज रहा है जो पहले-से-कंटेट कंटेटेड है। हालांकि, जब हैडर फ़ंक्शन को कहा जाता है तो यह मुझे मुख्य लैंडिंग पृष्ठ पर वापस धकेल देता है। त्रुटि संभालने के साथ कुख्यात "हेडर पहले ही भेजे गए हैं।" हालांकि, मैंने अपने कोड को साफ़ कर दिया है और बुकसेड्स के पहले और बाद में साफ किया है और एको, प्रिंट और व्हाइटस्टेस। मुझे वास्तव में यहां कुछ मदद की ज़रूरत है क्योंकि मैं इस मुद्दे और ob_start () को ढूँढने में सक्षम नहीं हूं; ob_end_flush (); वास्तव में या तो काम नहीं कर रहा है ... अग्रिम धन्यवाद !!! logon.php & lt;? Php ob_start (); // समस्या निवारण / * त्रुटि_रेपोर्टिंग (E_ALL | E_WARNING | E_NOTICE) के लिए इस अनुभाग को हटाएं;...

Rails 4 Carrierwave, Amazon S3, Fog error -

इस त्रुटि को प्राप्त करना Excon :: त्रुटियाँ :: SocketError (getaddrinfo: नाम या सेवा ज्ञात नहीं है ( SocketError)): नियंत्रक def बनाओ @gamepic = (gamepic_params) अगर @ flash [: नोटिस] = "सफलतापूर्वक बनाई गई तस्वीर।" redirect_to @ अन्य रेंडर: एक्शन = & gt; 'नया' एंड एंड कैरियरवाव कॉन्फ़िग कैरियरवाव। कॉन्फ़िग करें | कॉन्फ़िग | Config.root = Rails.root.join ('tmp') config.cache_dir = 'carrierwave' =: कोहरे config.fog_credentials = {: प्रदाता = & gt; 'एडब्ल्यूएस', # आवश्यक: aws_access_key_id = & gt; '---', # आवश्यक: aws_secret_access_key = & gt; '---, # आवश्यक: क्षेत्र = & gt; 'us-west-2', # वैकल्पिक, 'us-east-1' के लिए चूक: host = & gt; '', # वैकल्पिक, शून्य करने के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट: अंत बिंदु = & gt; 'Https://' # वैकल्पिक, defaults to nil} config.fog_directory = '---...

android - Onactivityresult returning null bitmap, selecting image from device not working -

I am trying to choose a picture from all the pictures on the device. I was working this code on the last app but for some reason this will not work. A Nalpointer exception gives me an exception while trying to set the selected image to an image view, so I think the bitmap is empty. I tried many tutorials and used that code, rewritten everything, but every time the same problem occurs. I have tried many devices, running Android 4.4 and Android 4.2.2 (so this is not just a KitKat problem). My code: Public class Iconize activity expanded {Public ImageView ivMain; Linear layout topscrolls; Bitmap bitmap; Int REQUEST_CODE = 1; Frame layout flow; Reference C; @ Override Protected Zero (InstanceStat saved from bundle) {// Todo auto-generated method stub super. Connet (Saved Instantstate); setContentView (R.layout.activity_iconize); C = getApplicationContext (); Topscrolls = (linear layout) this.findViewById (; Fl = (frame layout) this.findViewById (RIDFreemelA...

C++: Binary Search Part of a String -

Now I am on part 4 of my homework, I am trying to explain how the binary search only first 14 Two ccv files were given to an array of strings from letters: 01110011100110 is a simulated barcode. Inventory. How: Inventory items are divided by commas - Barcode, Product, Price First Five Rows: 01001010100011, Air Freshener, 12.43 01101000111101, Alfredo Sauce , 10.71 10000010100101, All spices, 4.14 00011011001111, Allergy medication, 20.06 00101010111011, Aluminum foil, 8.92 Carts.csv: The first five rows containing a barcode of purchase of 'carriage': 01000011010100,00010011010100 00110111100000 0010011010000001011000110111010111010001100101110100000001010001100101110101000000010101001000001001111010110010100100111111010100100101010 I am working on part 4 of homework: Part 4: Write a function to read in the Carts.csv file. Read and process it in one row at a time. Process steps are: Separate the barcode in each carton based on A comma delimiter. B. For each barc...

php - Snapchat API auth results in a ban -

I am trying to send snapcat with PHP API. As you can see that this authentication server is very much & lt ;? php // login: $ snapchat = new snapcat ('username', 'password'); // Upload a photo and send me for 8 seconds: $ id = $ snapchat-> Upload (snapcat :: MEDIA_IMAGE, file_get_contents ('/ home / jorgen / whatever.jpg')); $ Snapchat-> Send ($ id, array ('jorgenefi'), 8); How is it possible to prove this once and then send the snapchat to the user's ARRE? It appears that you add many functions to the array in the second parameter of the function () Can send to Try doing something like this: $ snapcat-> Send ($ id, array ('jorgenphi', 'anotheruser', 'thirduser'), 8);

ios - UICollectionViewCell Snap to Centre -

I have added a UICollectionView that contains 5 cells, horizontally scrolling. I would like the users to scroll between the cells, where each cell will draw a picture in the center. Here is a code used with my UICollectionFlowLayout cell size. - (UICollectionViewFlowLayout *) collectionLayout {if (_collectionLayout!) {_collectionLayout = [[UICollectionViewFlowLayout alloc] init] _collectionLayout.minimumInteritemSpacing = 0; _collectionLayout.minimumLineSpacing = 30; Dictionary _collectionLayout.itemSize = CGSizeMake (200, 165); _collectionLayout.sectionInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake (0, 65, 0, 55); _collectionLayout.collectionView.pagingEnabled = Yes; } Return _collectionLayout; } I have added the inset, so the first and the last cell in the middle closes, though there are no three cells in between. Please see attached screen shots to describe - [2 screen shots below] I can easily get the centralized paging of cells if they are the width of the screen or I just take 5 squares, t...

xcode5 - What do these Xcode 5.1 Test Navigator icons mean? -

I have made some unit tests in my Xcode 5.1.1 project. I can understand that "t" in these symbols means "test": But what does" RT "mean? Now, the Sintasting Kit / OCUnit / Accentest Framework also allows you to test the test on the runtime. Some of our users make this capability creative user, possibly to wrap the external test system or to create a test to represent the dynamic set of data. Xcode can not detect these tests statically, and can only detect their existence when they are returning resutls during a test run. When detected, they will appear in the Test Navigator with the "RT" icon. "RT" is short for "runtime discovered search". Finally if there is something wrong / unusual about your project, which prevents your test classes from being properly or properly indexed, your tests will not be statistically searched. You can still successfully create and run them, in which case the encoded will treat t...

r - 3d plot to access distribution of variables in space -

I want to create a plot in which I am able to visualize the distribution of a given variable. Let me assume that I want to know how the frequency of a bird's song bandwidth (HJ) value is spread over space. I tried with scatterplot3d . But I think this is not right. x - A vector (in Hertz) with bandwidth values ​​ Then I do: scatterplot3d (x, y, z) should be "coordinate" or can I use it as a given variable vector? Thanks in advance! I did it with ScatterPlot 3D. Highlight $ E, Hypo $ Northing, Hypo $ Songdir, Angle = 118, Color = "Red", pp = 16, Highlight .3d = TRUE, xlab = "ScatterPlot 3D" easting ", ylab =" northing ", type =" h ", lwd = 1) where Hypo $ Easting == x, Hypo $ Northing = = Y and Hypo $ Song_Dur == Z (variable).

javascript - SugarCRM calendar module: Records as links -

What is a way to create records that appear on calendar modules (tasks, calls, meetings, etc.) Does the link itself appear as the record itself? In CE 6.5.16, they are just regular text fields and it has an "information" icon that allows users to navigate to the view of detail of the record. For more information, see here: I make things easier for my users to be available as a link. And when I / module / calendar / cal Being nude around with JS, which I believe is the source of making them as a link, I am not getting any progress, did anyone make any amendments like whatever I am trying to do is? And is there a way to make it upgrade-safe? In the end it has been fixed how to fix it, though it is not safe for me to file a file Need to Modify: Module / Calendar / Calendar. To create Js / Work / Meeting name as a link to their respective expansion ideas, you must enter this line: = ("http: //<crm-root>/index.php?action...

php - how to add custom username available and email available methods as rules in kohana -

What is the correct format to add rules to check unique username and email in Kochi 3.3 I have follow-up array (Array ($ $, 'unique'), array ('username', ': value')); // Like the email has been added ('username', array ('unique_username', 'array' (': value')); / / / Added as well as email, public static work unique_username ($ username) {echo 'Running'; // Check that the database returns if the user name already exists! DB :: select (array (DB :: expr ('COUNT (username)' ('user') -> where ('username' , '=', $ Username)) -> execute () -> Get ('total');} I get the following error Log 3 to Kohana_Validation :: rule () An array passed, string given I can not give you an exact answer because You do not show your class name. For example, if your class was named Model_User here, here's how you would use a static method as a statutory callback: -> Ru...

Difference Between OmniAuth Implementations for Facebook and Twitter -

I'm a little confused how omniauth works for Facebook and Twitter I notice that when I I use it, then I get recognition back in which a token and a secret involved is my understanding that Twitter will return the same set of keys for the same application key. For Facebook I think I will only get a token back. I want to use this token to identify the user when he will use my app - but my concern is that Ever since I'm only getting a token back, it's a small token that can change. I did some research to figure out whether Twitter supports OAuth 1.0 (which I use quite a Twitter). Am I missing something? Talk of Twitter and Facebook is using different OAuth versions. Using twitter and facebook, in fact, use different versions of OAuth Twitter OAuth 1.0A While Facebook uses Oath 2.0 For Twitter, the API has two options to access OAuth, only application-only authentication and application-user access. For details of Twitter's Oath, check out For details o...

kendo ui - KendoUI Grid Signalr Error -

I'm getting "more than the maximum call stack size" error while trying to bind the cylinders data for the KNDOI grid Is (v2014.1 416). This is my current code: var epClonction = $ .hubConnection (); var hub = EPConnection.createHubProxy ("Events PaddingHub"); var hubstart = epClonction.start (); {Field: "area"}, {field: "region"}, {field: "priority"}, (field) "area" {field: "type"}, {field: "TIQ"}, {field: Location: Source: {Type: "Signeller", Autosink: True, Schema: {Model: {Type: "string"}, "Priority": {id: "EventNum" {Type: "string"}, "TIQ": {type: "string"}, "field": {type: "string"}, "zone": {type: "string"}, "type" {{Field: "Priority", dir: "desc": {type: "string"}, "location": {type: "string"}, "Apt": {type: ...

java - maven cargo deploy to war file fails to deploy as part of teamcity -

The same deployment works well on Windows, and on Linux - but using TeamCity and creating it in me An error gets local deployment, and error is: Container Configuration Directory "/ BuildAgent / Work / 68d4a71c8dc5cfd9 / target / cargo / configurations / tomcat8x" does not exist Please do any local deployment Before configuring the container. This section of the related pom shows: & lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; org.codehaus.cargo & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Goods maven2-plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 1.4.8 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; Container & gt; & Lt; containerId & gt; tomcat8x & lt; / ContainerId> & Lt; Home & gt; $ {Env.CATALINA_HOME} & lt; / Home & gt; & Lt; / Container & gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; Type & gt; Existing & lt; / Type & gt; & Lt; Home ...

Erase part of string in php if same character until the end -

Suppose I have a string as the following: 11221211111212111111211111222222222 and what I want to get: 11221211111212111111211111 Actually, I have been wiped from the last '2 In the "first one" last , if it has any meaning, I have considered running the string with foreclosure, but I would like to check out a code-friendly option. Through performance and readability ... $ string = "11221211111212111111211111222222222"; $ NewString = rtrim ($ string, substr ($ string, -1)); Echo $ newString;

json - AngularJS "$resource:badcfg" Error -

I am facing a very strange error, though I think it is easy to decide, I think Code Solution: Code: Summary: An AJAX request is sent to the server, which uses NG-resource to retrieve data that is JSON's Form is formatted. When a single JSON object occurs, it works fine, for example, when I have multiple JSON objects: {"letters": [{}], "the word ": [{}}} This throws badcfg error. I do not understand how to solve it further. app.factory 'getWords', [' $ resource ', function ($ resource, $ cachefactory) {return: {resource: (resource /' lane / api / meet / word / letter ', {letter:' @letter '}, {' receive ': {method:' GET ', cache: $ cacheFactory},' query ': {method:' get ', isArray: false, fomrat:' JSON ' }})}])); I am using this service to trigger and the code to access that data is: $ scope.words = getWords .all.query ({letter: $ Scope.letter}); console.log ($ scope.words...

How to read character from file c++ -

What is something like fgetc in c ++? There are 3 words in the file "Send more money" and I have to solve a task where each letter represents a number (Answer to money (D) and I send + add more, so I assign four strings to each string , But now I am struggling to do this, I have only got information that how can everything be read between the spaces, is there anything like that Fgetc was in c or should i think about how to do this work again? (sorry if i sleep to answer slow) is always std :: istream :: get () , which exactly works like fgetc . In the ++ more idiomatic std :: istream :: get (char & amp;) , the results can be found directly in char (directly int , to convert before EOF to char Area should be checked), and indicate the file or error normal way

python - Graph for a polar equation is incomplete in matplotlib -

I am currently trying to graph the equation r = 4 * sin (2 * theta) clamped shutter, this is my code in polar plane: Import import as NP import matplotlib.pyplot as math import from PLT , PE DIF Plot_Poller (F, start = 0, end = 2 * PI): THETA = NP. Linspace (start, end, 1000) r = map (f, theta) ax = plt.subplot (111, polar = true) ax.plot (theta, r) ​​ax.grid (True) () plot_polar (lambda Theta: 4 * sin (2 * theta)) The result is in the following output: However, according to Wolfam Alpha, it looks like: The good part of my code graph is missing - it has only two fans instead of four. Am sure because theta is the 2pi from 0, so they should show the same object. Does anyone know what I'm doing is wrong? I'm not sure if I'm just mistaking how to use matlotib, or if I'm missing some obvious error. It seems that matplotib is knocking because you are giving it negative as a radius. I tried your code and got the same results. I changed m...

javascript - How to end my for loop? -

I have to end the loop in javascript .. the obvious answer is while loop-- although I'm not sure how to implement it Here, I tried to put it in front of the loop (while (stop == wrong)), but then it remains forever ... This code is used in every 1 Millisecond At the moment, even if the stop == true goes through the rest of the part .. How can I do that if stop == is true, then do not look for them & lt; Script & gt; {var ("#" + i) for (var i = 1; i & lt; = gDivCount; i ++) Position (). Top, $ ("#" + i). Position (). left]; var toprightofgdiv = [$ ("#" + i). composition (). Top, $ ("#" + i). Business () Left + $ ("#" + i) With ()]; If (topleftofgdiv [0]> scales [0]) {var stop = false; Console.log (wrong); } And {var stop = true; Console.log (true); } If (stop == incorrect) {var pandanewpos = $ ("# moveDiv"). Event (). Top + 3; Document.getElementById ("moveDiv"). = PendionWopps + ...

c++ - How do I strongly typedef non-primitive types? -

Considering the following program in which one function accepts both type of expected type and type of typingfif type is. // A user defined type class widget {}; // A function that creates a widget zero function (widget w) {} int main () {// Type (it is C ++ 11 syntax for typingfifth. This is the same thing) Gadget = Using Widget ; // Make two "different types" (well .. they are not really different as you will see) widget w; Gadgets; // Call a function which should only accept the widget function (w); // work (good) work (g); // & amp; Lt; - Works (I do not want to compile this)} As you can see, a type-tof actually does not separate a new type. I thought to inherit the type instead: // Instead of the class gadget heir: public widget {}; // two "different types" widget w; Gadgets; // should call the function which should only accept the widget function (w); // work (good) work (g); // & lt; - Works (I do not want this to be compiled) There is on...

ruby on rails - Loading rvm environment in restored OS X Terminal windows -

If I leave the OS X terminal when the shell is positioned in an RVM-managed directory (i.e., a rail app) , And then restart the terminal, OS X also places the shell in those directories where it was first. However, RVM does not seem to reset gemset in use (eg Gemfile: # ruby-gemset). Is it just me? Have I lifted something up? (Always possible!) If other people have the same issue, then has anyone solved it or has worked around? Currently, I use the CD ~; CD - , and RVM's "CD" implementation sets things up properly but it's a bit annoying. In fact, I did not want the terminal to save the CWD in the first place; So I will only need a cd A base gemset setup in RVM First rvm gemset gemsetnamehere If you want to use that gemset as the default, you do the same: Using RVM 1.9.2-head@gemsetnamehere --default The above assumption is that you are using Rabbi 1.9.2-head and You want the gemset to be created just now gemsetnamehere Check the RVM docu...

osx - bash: recursively find all files that match a certain pattern -

I need to find (or more specifically, count) all the files that match this method: * / foo / * Doc Where the first wildcard star contains a variable number of subdirectories You can use regex with GNU, which match the entire path (as opposed to -name ): find -reggets'. * / Foo / [^ /] *. Doc ' Just to calculate the number of files: find -reggets'. * / Foo / [^ /] *. Doctor '-printf'% i \ n '| Wc -l ( % i format code find to print the inode number instead of the file code), the filename In contrast, the inode number is guaranteed that there is not a new line like letters, so the count is more reliable. Thanks for the @Tripple for the suggestion.) I do not know if it will work on OSX, though.

if statement - Determining nested parentheses by recursion(JAVA) -

I am trying to write a method that determines the nested pair of parentheses in the string. Example: "(true)" ((4)) "false" () () "false" ((()) "is false public stable bullion nested brackets ( Strings) {if (s.length () & lt; 4) {return false;} else if (s.charAt (0) == '(' & amp; s.charAt (s.length () - 1 ) == ')') {if (scharar (1) == '(' & amp; s.charAt (s.length () - 2) == ')' & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; = 4) {Return true;} And if (S. Charts at (2) == '(' and S. S.) (S. Long (3) == ')' & amp; amp; .length () == 6) {back true;} other {return false;}} else {return false; Since your question has been "recurring", offering a recursive solution Is performed. Public stable boolean nested brackets (strings) {if (s.length () & lt; 2) {return false;} If (SRTT 0) ! = '(' ') (Return false;) If (S.A.T.T.T. (S.Langha () - 1)! =') ') {Return lie;} if (s....

c++ - Creating a 3x3 box inside a looped grid -

I have a project for the school. I created a grid which looks like this: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 Use of the following loop: Pre> IIM [10] [10]; For (int i = 0; i & lt; 10; i ++) {for (int j = 0; j & lt; 10; j ++) {img [i] [j] = 0; }} I want to receive it: My attempt code (I have known wrongly since) int img [10] ] [10]; Int startRow, startCol, width, height, color; StartRow = 2; StartCol = 3; Width = 3; Height = 3; For color = 1 (int i = 0; i & lt; 10; i ++) {for (int j = 0; j & lt; 10; j ++) {img [startrow] [] = width + i ; // wrong IMG [Start] [startCol] = height + i; // what i am doing img [i + width] [j + height] = color; // program crashes}} This does not work How to get it, I'm losing it on. Any help on this will be great Definitely use this code The tax grid is made initially: int img [10] [10]; For (int i = 0; i & lt; 10; i ++) {for (int j ... mvc 4 - MVC model binder issues when posting data from knockout -

I have a knockout model that I am trying to post to an MVC4 controller. A simplified version looks like this: varModelDel = function (id, name) {var self = this; = ko.observable (ID); = ko.observable (name); }; Var Entry = Function () {var self = this; = ko.observable (); Self.areas = ko.observableArray ([]); }; Var EntryModel = function () {var self = this; Self. Entry = new entry (); = function () {$ .post ("/ edit", ko.toJS (self.entry), function (data) {...}}}}}}} If I add two models to my model, then this way: viewModel.entry.areas.push (new item modell (1, "A"); see Race Push (New Item Model (2, "B")); and post it using I get two fields from Model Binder But there is no data in it (i.e. ID = 0, name = ""). After some research I found that I have been posting data like this I: id = 1 name = test area [0] [id] = 1 area [0] [name] = "a" field [1] [id...

Python script stopping before completion -

I'm not sure what I'm doing. Why does it stop after asking for outstanding balance? x = raw_input ('Outstanding balance:'); Y = raw_input ('annual interest rate:'); Z = raw_input ('Monthly Interest Rate:'); A = (x * z) b = ((y / 12) * x) c = (a-b) d = (x-c) print ("Minimum monthly payment:" + (A)); Print ("Payment of interest:" + (B)); Print ("Principal Paid:" + (C)); Print ("remaining balance:" + (d)) Wait for user input So it will have to stop running. You can type some input and you can get hit returns to continue it.

string - Getting back the correct values when using classes in Python -

Then I am coming into programming and Python in my study, and in a Python the word scanner object Takes a string and returns a list of tuples that reads in the format (TYPE, WORD), where TYPE is the word type, and word is the word itself, by searching the word for the word in a group of words of that type Determining the type of wordIf there is a word, or a number, then Tupal gives more words like this; If the word is not there, then the tuple gives an "error" and the word, for example, if the input is "Answer for my 3 days", then the list will return such as read something: [('error', 'mine'), ('(' number ',' 3 '), (' error '), (' error ', gone), (' number ',' answer ') 'Error', 'for'),, 'day')] or something like that. However, when I try to input the code and run it from the main project to get the work done, in the command line, the only value I put in return w...

git gc - git: repack locally, push the repacked objects -

Do I have no way to work again on a local machine, then resulted in packaged databases in my remote repository Press? must use the nearest , re-pack and store All repos in a file I've described it in "". you can do it. The added advantage is that a file transfer is easy. Once copied to the remote server, you can clone or obtain it from that bundle file.

appcrash - Visual Studio Express 2013 for Desktop crashes immediately when started -

Visual Studio Express 2013 for the desktop crashes when it starts immediately Can anyone help with the problem? Signature of the problem: Name of the problem: APPCRASH Application Name: WDExpress.exe Application Version: 12.0.30110.0 Application Timestamp: 52cfa049 Fault Module Name: clr.dll Fault Module Version: 4.0.3031 9.34011 Mistake Module Timestamp: 52 9 68A 96 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 0002122c OS Version: 6.3.9600. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 782B Additional Information 2: 782B157F2D9102177560167373 db3dc9 Additional Information 3: 46A5 Additional information 4: 46 I think I have found the problem Framework version 4.5.1 is the problem I have VS Installed the Express Edition and then removed Framework 4.5, which are fixing the problem.

c# - LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int32 Parse(System.String)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression -

I am using unit framework, and I have a code that is taking a var and it is an i database . var record = reference. Nomination SingleLow Default (Row = & gt; Row.UUSID == Int. Purs (userid) and row.classId == int. Purse (class ID)); Every time I try to run it, I get a rhis error "LINQ to Entities" does not recognize the 'intern 32 pars (system string.)' Method, and this method Can not translate into a store's expression. " I have also tried well var records = reference. FirstOver Default (line = & gt; line.user id == convert.OINIT32 (userid) & amp; quote; class id == convert.OINIT32 (class idid)); And what I found is this error message, "LINQ method does not recognize the INFO TOInt32 (System.String) method 'for the unit, and this method stores in the expression Can not translate And in the end I also tried it, which I know is unusual, but it has worked in the past for similar situations. var record = context.enroll...

c# - newline for Arabic or urdu string -

string = ""; s + = "© § u usually ?? © ?? o ?? ± اعظ٠?? u ?? _PN_OF Ø¬Ø ± and ?????????a?a?a?a?§ §?? ?? © Ø§Ø | u ????????a?a=? ØμØا٠?? Mîvan ?? u ????? ± Ù¾Ø ± ات § ???????a??a=? Oracle = "\ n \ r" + "or ?? ?? Or ?? You ± u ?? © Ø ¢ ?? غا٠?? BBC Urdu's "XrLabel1.Text = s; Concerned but your show production like © § U generally ?? Û ?? o ??? ± اعظ٠?? u ?? _PN_OF Ø¬Ø ± and ?? u ?? Ù ?? Ù ?? Û ?? Ù ?? Û ?? Ù ?? دs Ø ?? ا٠?? Û? Ú? ØØØØ | Û ?? Û ?? Û ?? Ú? Û ?? ØμØاÙ? Ø ?? Mîvan ?? u ??????? ± ± Ù¾Ø ± ات§§ ?? ???? ØÙ ?? Ù ?? Û ??: Geoinci Û ?? esei ?? Ø³Û ?? Ø§Ø ± د٠?? and © Ø ¢ ?? غا٠?? Ù¹Ù ?? Ø | Ù¹Ø ± U © Ø§Ø Ù ?? Ù¹Û ??: BBC Urdu I want to talk something like (my code Similarly) © § u generally ?? Ú © Û ?? o ????? ± Ø§Ø Ø¸Ù ?? u ?? _PN_OF Ø¬Ø ± and ?? u ?? Ù ?? Ù ?? Û ?? Ù ?? Û ?? Ù ?? Ø¯Û ?? ا٠?? Û ?? ØØØØ | Û ?? Û ?? Û ?? Ú Û Û? Ø Ø ± Ø § Ù? Ø ?? Mîvan ?? u ?????? ± Ù¾Ø ± ات §? ?? ?? ?? ?? ØÙ ?...

Java: Writing to a log file from a server -

I am trying to create a small chat room log file yet it is for logging for me: Fixed zero log (strings) {try {buffed author authors = new buffed waist (new filename ("log" + getting "+". "text")); writer.write (s); } Hold (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace (); }} Every time I broadcast to the cloud, I call it in a thread like this: log (name + " String ") But after that it is called and does not release the program. However, when it used to work, only one thing in the text file is a row, which was previously called. How can these two worms cure? As stated in the other answer, you do not close the file and you do not write a line separator Are there. I know that there is a right answer in Java 7, but you said in the comment that you can not use it. (I think you are using Java 6 instead) Because of this, I have just written an implementation using Java 6 API (using Java 6 javadocs for reference): Public class logfileHelp...

javascript - Copy to clipboard with jQuery/js in Chrome -

I know that these questions have been asked here many times, including: or, I reduce the scope Condition: Google Chrome works fine (if cross-browser, but not necessary if necessary) No flash Is there such a solution or solution? You can either Document.execCommand ('copy') or AddEventListener ('copy') , or combination of both. Copy selection to 1 custom event If you compare ctrl-c to another event document.execCommand ('copy') . This will copy what is currently selected, for example on mouseup: elem.onmouseup = function () {document.execCommand ('copy'); } Edit: document.execCommand ('copy' ) is only supported by Chrome 42 , IE9 and Opera 29 , but will be supported by Firefox 41 (scheduled for September 2015). Note that IE generally requires permission to use the clipboard. 2 Copy the custom content on the user triggered trigger or you addEventListener ('copy ') , this copy will interf...

xml - Complex xPath query with getNodeSet in R -

I have an XML file downloaded from the uniprot protein database. Protein & lt; - XmlRoot (xmlTreeParse ("")) From the many annotated features, I am interested in starting and ending the following Keynes domain stored in the xml node: & lt; Feature type = "domain" description = "protein keyrings" & gt; & Lt; Location & gt; & Lt; Starting position = "288" /> & Lt; End position = "539" /> & Lt; / Location & gt; & Lt; / Feature & gt; With GetNodeSet, I can find out this tag well: getNodeSet (Protein, "// uniprot: feature [@type = \" domain \ "and @ description = \" Unfortunately, I could not reduce the query, except for any other criteria. Example: GetNodeSet (Protein, "// Uniprot: Feature [@ type = \" domain \ "and @ description = \" protein keynes \ "] / location" , C (Uniprote = ...