html - IE8 and Safari open .csv file in browser. How do I make it so it opens a download option? -
I am trying to create a jsp page that allows a user to download a .csv file. It is fine on FF, Chrome and IE10, that is, it opens a popup so that the user can be given the option to download / save the file. But the CSV file in IE8 and Safari is open in the browser. How do I make it work. I have the code
Thank you in advance An alternative would be to link to a real download page. Pushed down as a response with a content-type of onclick = "window.location.href = '.. / sample / sample csv'; return back;; />
application / octet-stream ; To do this, you may have to type servlet: < p> As a side note, my first project Instinct
response.write () was out of the document, but apparently.
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