html - how to add background image to css3 arrow -
For a project, I must include the background image in a css3 arrow (right to face). Below is HTML / CSS What I want to achieve is that the image extends from the rectangular box to the triangular (border) box.
& lt; div id = "arrow" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS: # Arrow {width: 128px; Height: 100 pixels; Background color: #FFF; Border: 1px solid # 999; Status: Relative; Background image: URL (; } # Arrow: {After content: ''; Status: Completed; Top: 0 pixels; Left: 128 pixels; Width: 0; Height: 0; Border: 50px solid transparent; Border-left: 12px solid # f0f0f0; } # Arrow: {Before content: ''; Status: Completed; Top: 0 pixels; Left: 12 9px; Width: 0; Height: 0; Border: 50px solid transparent; Border-left: 12px solid # 999; } How do you cope with this problem? I'm not compatible with IE7 / 8/9 that there is no problem using the code.
Not sure that you want to do something difficult, but it's your
p> You can use SVG to draw a path.
& lt; Svg id = "svg-defs" & gt; & Lt; Defs & gt; & Lt; Clippath id = "clip-triangle" & gt; & Lt; Polygon numeral = "0,0 150,0 300,150 150,300 0,300,0,0" /> & Lt; / clipPath & gt; & Lt; / Defs & gt; & Lt; / Svg & gt;
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