ios - AVCaptureSession MaximumDuration -
In my app I'm recording the video for 30 seconds. I used the following line to do this.
[imagePicker Set Video Maximum Duration: 30]; Everything was working fine then I decided to go from UIImagePickerController to AVCaptureSession , it successfully changed everything Got it, but could not set MaximumDuration . Is there a parameter / workaround that can set it?
A Wikipedia mofi file output * aMovieFileOutput = [[AVCaptureMovieFileOutput alloc] init]; CMTime maxDuration = & lt; # Create CMTime to represent maximum duration # & gt;; AMovieFileOutput.maxRecordedDuration = maximum speed; aMovieFileOutput.minFreeDiskSpaceLimit = & lt; # Quality and duration of the appropriate minimum film format # & gt ;;
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