python - Matplotlib not listening to font choices -
I am unable to avoid an error about the font option in matplotlib. Whenever I try to plot a remote machine in Linux, I get the following error:
/home/josh/anaconda/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site- packages / matplotlib / User Alert: Search: Font Family ['Aerial'] was not found. Beatstream Vera Sons (Prop. Family.), SfFemily [Fontx]) I have edited my .matplotlibrc file (just in case, two places ): -
.matplotlib / .matplotlibrc -
.config / matplotlib / .matplotlibrc Where I add the following lines:
Backend: Agg font. Family: Serif font cyirief: Times, Palatino, New Century Schoolbook, Bookman, Computer Modern Roman Font Breath - Serif: Helvetica, Avant Garde, Computer Modern Sans serif font. Creative: Zapf Punch Font Monospace: Courier, Computer Modern Typewriter Text Yussext: True However, there is a complaint about matplotlib arial . Why? (Note that when a script is running, which does not include an IP address, with python ).
If you are using seaborne and the Arial is not installed, it will be (I actually Presently in the process of improving this work) The best solution for time will be to call
sns.set (font = "serif") seaborn before importing and plotting .
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