enums - C++ calling a method from another class -
- I have 2 squares with their header files, which are lexer.cpp and lexer.h, token.cpp And tokens are called .h
- It is necessary to make them the compiler. I'm still lexmeas currently, dividing and reading tokens.
- Now I have a method that will load each character from the file, and for example it shows that this is an integer, it will return a token (which is token.cpp in the token)
.cpp in tokk I have an enum class token that contains all tokens which can be read by my compiler (Coding will be given below)
- Lexer.cpp is to call this class (Enum class token in Token.cpp )
token.h I have just declared the name of the class - Lexer.h wrote the name of the method which should be used in Lexer.cpp
But they are creating some errors.
Token Lexer :: MillTextToken (four CH ) {Return Token :: Vacuum; }
#ifndef lexer #define lexer #include "token.h" square laser {public: Four readrets (); Bool istagit (four f); Bull Isafa (four f); Bull eye ordination (four f); Token Mill Token (four f); }; #endif // lexer.h
Token H
#ifndef token #define token enum class token {tkLetter, tkDigit , tkPrintable, tkType, // Literals tkBooleanLiteral, tkIntegerLiteral, tkRealLiteral, tkCharLiteral, tkStringLiteral, tkUnitLiteral, tkLiteral, tkIndentifier, // operation tkMultpicativeOp, tkAdditiveOp, tkRelationalOp, // parameter and call tkActualParams, tkFunctionCall, // cast and factors tkTypeCast, TkSubExpression , tkUnary, tkFactor, // terms and announcements tkTerm, tkSimpleExpression, tkExpression, tkAssignment, tkVariableDecl, tkFormalParam, tkFunctionDecl, // statement tkReadStatement, tkWriteStatement, tkIfStatement, tkWhileStatement, tkHaltStatement, tkStatement, tkBlock, tkSxl,};
transfer the definition of enum class token
token.h Replace with the same name with the same name and Lexer
> token.cpp h
As I said in token declaration from CPP to Tokens.H. Is it clear to run in?
and the function should appear as getNextToken
token lexer :: getNextToken (char ch) {return token :: tkDigit; }
- Lexer.h wrote the name of the method which should be used in Lexer.cpp
- Lexer.cpp is to call this class (Enum class token in Token.cpp )
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