mysql - Searching from two columns is extremely slow -
Resolved : Andy Lester pointed me towards the right direction, this poor index definitions Was due to is a part of a query which is causing me a lot of trouble: Items item table tag_rel are the relationships between the object and the tag Tags has the name tag So the query above is OK, as it should: It gives returns to the items tagged as chocolate But whatever is doing here, the query Slows down (10 seconds +) so I think That I am doing something wrong: - / sec_corrected "tag" table containing the ID of the second tag, i.e.: If the sub for "chocolate" or "chocolate" Ogkrta searches, so "chocolate" as I get "to be tagged as" chocolate "item" has been corrected as "chocolate" as "chocolate". I have also tried with only one left pair, but it is still slow: Any ideas? Thank you very much! Without explaining it, there is little effort and error, but usually a simple "or" section y Where with the use can block the index use. As is the overflow, use "=" when no pattern is given. Simple solution divided into two inner joins with a union is ugly, but often useful. which can help a lot.
Select from item as i tag_ rel is tr2 ON (tr2) Connect). Item = T2 On ( = tr2.tag) as the left join tag WHERE like 'chocolate' group
Select from item as I add tag 2 to tr2 (tr2.item = in the form of LEFT tags In T2 ( = tr2.tag and t2.sec_corrected = 0) Add tags AS T3 ON (T.sec_corrected = tr2.tag and t3.sec_corrected> 0) WHERE ( such as' choclate 'Or' toc '), such as' choclate'), group
tag table structure: id 1 name choclate sec_corrected 2 id 2 name chocolate sec_corrected 0
Choose from item as item tag 2 on tr2 (tr2. = as the left join tag T2 on ( = tr2.tag or t2.sec_corrected = tr2.tag) where (T2 is a group called 'choclate' )
Select from item as the item I insert INNER as Tag 2 on TR2 (tr2.item = In the form of INNER tag ( = tr2.tag and t2.sec_corrected = 0) where ( = 'choclate') select the union item from as i tag as INNER Add 2 to tr2 (tr2.item = as INNER tag on T3 (t3.sec_corrected = tr2.tag and t3.sec_corrected> 0) WHERE ( = 'choclate' )
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