siteminder - Java Code to fetch Session Store attribute values -
I'm writing an inexhaustible generator plugin in Java to get a user statement from the session store, Accordingly.
I am able to use the method () which I can use to extract user values from session store (agentAPIObject.getSessionVariables ()) based on SessionID, but, I am having trouble writing the code. To bring specific parameters from the store (explicitly about setting up values for the attribute type and making it as an array)
Can you post a sample code if you have ever Its place Could have seen / written, so I get the user to facilitate the session. / P>
I have trouble understanding Java docs around this.
Thank you in advance,
The API mentions this thing: Feedback - On successful withdrawal from this method (yes comes back), this output parameter includes the variable name and their value retrieved. I If the method returns to Anarolaved, then this parameter contains variables that can not be recovered. You will need to create two objects if the Remember to read the API carefully. Note : This is just a pseudo-code I have not tested this though, you should be in sufficient quantity to go to the place where you need it. getSessionVariables (...) is
yes , then the variable
responseAttributeList will include session variables since Java uses references, the same variable will be updated to
responseAttributeList . You can use getAttributeAt (...) to access the object.
string sessionID = "sampleID"; ResourceContextDef rcd = // Whatever properties should be attributed to the attribute list = attributeList = new attributeList (); Attribute list response list = new feature list (); If (getSessionVariables (sessionId, rcd, requestAttributeList, feedback attribute list) == Yes) {attribute att = responseAttributeList.getAttributeAt (0); // or whatever index}
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