windows installer - Change Program Name and Shortcut Title during installation -
I have an installed MSI install, which is with the install shield 2013 and we have around 20 different affiliate releases Actually the only difference between release program name and shortcut is installed on the desktop. Rather than making the same program with these small differences, we are trying to build a release.
I am trying to change those items on time, but have not succeeded.
My goal for user experience during the established time will be:
- The user is prompted for an affiliate code < li> MSI program name changes and shortcut information was assigned to that code
Thank you in advance!
I think I should only convert one to because Changes are so few Transforms are used to add multi-language support to the MSI, so it should be easy with only a few changes in the original database.
You create your own setup.exe launcher (many templates are available - I think you can use one in the installstall). Setup.exe asks for affiliate code and then applies the appropriate transform (or default one) and closes the install. This will be the recommended approach.
You can also merge conversions as a build phase and you can get as many "Transsees" MSI files you need. After this, "call" is low in the launch, but it seems that you have to switch behavior based on the affiliate code, and then your setup.EXA will be effective as it is necessary to control the required logic for change. User input
If you are not familiar with the result, then it is basically something like a "transaction" or a database piece that is implemented in your MSI, by changing rows and / or updating with new data is .
Transforms is enforced on the command line for msiexec.exe . Here's a sample command line with cutting paths for illustration, this is a silent installation, verbose log and two conversions apply (a language conversion):
Msiexec.exe / I "IsWiX.msi" / QN / L * V "C: \" msilog.log "TRANSFORMS =" C: \ IsWix.mst; C: \ 1031.mst "
Here's a sample result that applies to any original database:
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