nullpointerexception - Receiving a java.lang nullpointer exception error in Processing -
I'm getting the java.lang nullpointer exception in my processing project, I think it's something with CDSTENCE, But I 'm not sure I have taken some stuff and still getting this error. If someone knows where I went wrong then it would be greatly appreciated.
square ball {int xpos, ypos; Int bowl; Color myColor; Boolean view = true; Ball (at tempdium, color tempColor) {ballDiam = tempdiam; myColor = tempColor; } Zero Update () {If (visible) {fill (myColor); Oval (Exposure, Yup, Ballidium, Ballidium); }}} Ball hole, gball; // Announce a ball object for golfball and float codistance = dist (gball.xpos, gball.ypos, hole.xpos, hole.ypos); Click to keep track of string msg; Int step = 20; Int difx, dify; Boolean moving = false; Zero setup () {msg = ""; Click = 0; Size (800, 400); Hole = new ball (50, # 000000); // gaul = new ball (35, #ffffff); } Zero draw () {background (# 009900); Println ("click is count" + click); // Set the hole ball in the form of a golf hole in between the green holes. Xpos = width / 2; Holes.up = height / 2; Hole.update (); If (click == 0) {// When no click has been taken, follow the mouse to the ball, click // Click on the ball, finally stay on gball.xpos = mouseX; Gball.ypos = Katar; Msg = "give place to golf ball"; } else if (click == 1) {// Prompt you to click again to shoot YouTube = "now click again to shoot"; Difx = gball.xpos-hole.xpos; Dify = gball.ypos-hole.ypos; } And if (click == 2) {cDistance = dist (gball.xpos, gball.ypos, hole.cops, holes.ips); If (cDistance> holes.bildem / 2) {moving = true; gball.xpos- = DIFx /; gball.ypos- = dify /; Gball.xpos + = 5; } And {floating = false; Gball.visible = false; Click = 3; }} Gball.update (); textSize (20); Text (message, 0, height-5); } Zero mouseClicked () {if (Moving) {click ++; }} Stacktrace: java.lang.RuntimeException: processing.core.PApplet at java.lang. NullPointerException .roxketch ( generated by ( at processing.core.PApplet.main: at java.lang.NullPointerException sketch_140421a. & Lt; Init & gt; (Sketch_140421a.java37) sun.reflect on Sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance ( on the sun. Netconstructor Assetor IMPL.Neninstance 0 (Native Method). The ultimate Relucting. Concertor Avesol Ivpl.newInstance (DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java45) processing at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance (Constructor .java: 526) .com.opplett.rucech (pappet.javaoti571) at java.lang.Class.newInstance ( 374) ... 1 and
ball # update () ball # Calls Eclipse (), which has not been declared, and therefore is zero. You declare type ball holes and gables, but they are never started in the new ball. I suggest that you use an IDE such as eclipse or Inteliose, they make trivial bugs such that it is very easy to get rid of it, as well as post stacktrace the next time.
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