x11 - Touchscreen Kivy app for Raspberry Pi -
Here is the scenario: I've written a GUI using the python framework, and I want to run it on a raspberry pie with the
Are there. I have done the installation well, and I tried to enter the following at the top of my kivy app, but there was no profit: I do not know much about framebuffers and such; I'm hoping someone can tell me in the right direction It seems that the above mentioned environment variable I mentioned is that the pygm is useful for showing the applications, and kivy is built on the pivot. Some links: Finding me directly in the later time than April Have difficulty in last year Any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you in advanced! This will not work on the SPI screen SPI which is controlled by your CPU: / p> Kiwis use the GPU of Raspberry P, not SPI or X11 will not display the Instant GLES app on SPI, as my understanding. Ie, you can confirm this behavior by executing any GLES software from the command line outside X11 TSLIB_FBDEVICE = / dev / FB1 TSLIB_TSDEVICE = / dev / Input / Touchscreen FrameBuffer = / dev / FB1 nohup startx & amp; The xwindow desktop GUI is running fine. I am unable to work my Kiwi Gui, though. I was able to get a test tkinter application working fine by setting the
display environment variable.
os.environ ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER'] = 'fbcon' os. Whenever I run my application, this debug output is:
/ code> [info] [logger] /home/pi/.kivy/logs/kivy_14-04-21_10.txt [info] people in these Kivy v1.8.1-Dev [information] [Python] v2.7.3 (default, March 18, 2014, 05:13:23) [GCC 4.6.3] [information] [Factory] loaded with 157 symbols [information] [image] Rider: img_tex, img_dds, img_pygame, img_gif (img_pil ignored) [info] [text] Provider: pygame [INFO] [loader] 2 workers using a thread pool [INFO] [window] Provider: egl_rpi [INFO] [GL] OpenGL version & lt; OpenGL ES 2.0 & gt; [INFO] [GL] OpenGL vendor & lt; Broadcom & gt; [INFO] [GL] OpenGL Renderer & lt; Videocore IV HW & gt; [INFO] [GL] OpenGL version was parsed: 2, 0 [INFO] [GL] Shading version & lt; OpenGL ESGLSL ES 1.00 & gt; [INFO] [GL] Textured maximum size & lt; 2048 & gt; [INFO] [GL] Texture Maximum Units & lt; 8 & gt; [INFO] [Shadar] piece shader: & lt; Compiled & gt; [INFO] [Shadar] Vertex Shader: & lt; Compiled & gt; [INFO] [Window] Virtual keyboard is not allowed, single mode, not docked [INFO] [GL] NPOT texture support is available [INFO] [OSC]
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