r - Plotting the overlay using an exponential smoothing of a time-series using `lines()` -
/ * I do not want to use R in the I have the following code so far, but I'm not sure which function I should use 1 An exponential lubricating data (nhtemp) required for New Hampshire from 9 to 12, 1971 and the I'm not sure how to overlay an exponential solubility of PS by using Since your data set is not seasonal ( Therefore, to reproduce the example in the book, you have to move forward (which is basically just an exponential lubricant) HoltWinters function, and I have used Holtwinters function But I really do not want to apply or copy the entire R code. Mainly I want to write a code, as a result we get the answer given by Holtwinters * *
lines ()
Plot overlay .ts (nhtemp) lines (nhtemp, col = "red") # plot.ts (nhtemp) to the same plot Gives it in the form !!
nhtemp lines () I do not want to try an
forecast or
statistics such as an external package, but I was trying the following for some experiments: I followed the instructions given in the following picture Tried but I found this error:
& gt; Line (nhtemp $ fitted) Error in # lines (nhtemp $ fitted): Error in evaluating argument 'X' in choosing a method for function 'line': $ nhtemp $ fits error $: $ operator nuclear vector Is invalid for & gt; HoltWinters (nhtemp) # Error in the error (ts (x [1L: wind], start = start (x), frequency = f), seasonal: # time series does not have 2 or less duration
frequency = 1 ), you should be fit Should specify
gamma = F , non-seasonal holt-winters. In the
lines (nhtemp $ Fitted) (in your code), in any sense, as you do not have the fair value in the original data.
plot (nhtemp) line (Holtwinters (NHTMPP, Gamma = F) $ Feet [, 2], col = "red")
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