python - Flask 500'ding and I'm not sure why -
I am trying to piece together a flask app to play with dragon and flask. It's got an avenger theme (how well is anyone watching that movie?!). Anyway, when I hit the / dashboard path, I get the benefit of 500 and I am not sure why take care to help me? Import flask.ext.sqlalchemy from flask, render_taglet, request, glitch, jsonify from flask import, SQLAlchemy app = flask (__name__) app.config.from_object ('config') db = SQLAlchemy (application) ## #################################### ## Category ticket (db.Model): id = db.Column (db.Integer, primary_key = true) email = db.Column (db.String (120), index = true) name = db.Column (Db.String (64), index = trojas) whatWentWrong = db.Column (db.String (5000)) def __repr __ (self): return "ticket" def __init __ (auto, email, name, whatWentWrong): = email = name self.whatWentWrong = whatWentWrong ######################## @ app.r Oute ('/') @ app.route ('/ index') def activate_shield_defense_mechanism (): return render_template ('index.html') @ app.route ('/ dashboard') def admin (): try: data = ticket Excluding .query.all (): Data = None Print WARS (Data) Returns Reader_Template ('Dashboard.Html', Data = Data) if __name__ == '__main__': ()
C: \ Users \ %%% shieldVirtualEnv \ scripts \ python.exe C: / User / %%%%%%% / PycharmProjects / SHIELD / [21 / Apr / 2014 19:52:52] "GET / Dashboard HTTP / 1.1" 500 -
Ies in Before I posted, even before it was supposed to play with it for 20 minutes, however, the issue was that Tiktkkwayrikol () returns an array, not a word, and VARs () did not happen. Just changed it to fix print data
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