c# - Type safety of indexed columns in an in-memory database -
Root of the problem: I want to design a database entry member indexing API, for which the model definition does not require repetition and maintenance.
A fair level of security of type.
Dry Out-Explanation: I have a basic memory database of people in the table, the full name of each person and the key to their favorite celebrity.
Public class IMDB {public dictionary & lt; Int, person & gt; People; } Public class person {public string first name; Public string last name; Public int favorites celebrity id; } Now the celebrities want to be able to find their fans quickly through favorite celebrity ID . An index is clear, and thinking for the future, I created this interface: public class IMDB {public dictionary & lt; Int, person & gt; People; Private dictionary & lt; Object, dictionary & lt; int, int & gt; & Gt; _rowContents; Private dictionary & lt; Object, dictionary & lt; Int, list & lt; Int & gt; & Gt; & Gt; _rowIndex; // Returns the id field in the given row Public Intuit related AID (Int ARID, Object field) {...} // The ID of each field returns the key given in the field with the public list & lt; Int & gt; Public Zero SetRelatedID (int rowID, int key, object field) {...}} Public category individual {public enum}, maintains the setter index for the field of {0} IDRelatedIDs (int key, object field) {...} IndexedFields {FavoriteCelebrityID} public string first name; Public string last name; } I have seen the benefit:
- Fixed type protection at the API level, from one side to
object passing - In any new tables, it is easy to create an NM for the indexed key.
- No duplicated field name in the
person model. But now I need to index the string last name , so I can find families. This is where I got stuck my best The idea is to implement one third of index methods for each data type: public class IMDB {... public int id referenced id (integer line id, object field) {... } Public List & Lefthine Print; Integer & gt; {...} Public Zero SetRelatedID (int rowID, int key, object field) {...} Public string IDRelatedString (int rowID, object field) {...} public list & lt; Int & gt; ; String RelievedIds (String Key, Object Field) {...} Public Zero Serialized String (Ent Row ID, String Key, Object Field) {...}} Public Category Individuals {Public Enem Index IDEd {Preferred ID} Public Enum Indicated Strings {LastLime} public string first name; } but can now accidentally put in IndexedStrings entry IDRelatedID , which can only be identified on runtime. Is there a way to expose a member index API that: - Do not require recurrence in model definitions?
- Maintains a fair level of security of type?
Due to the concerns of efficiency, I want to be very careful of proxy objects, but the resources that explain how to create an efficient proxy, that would be great! I got a good solution using generic:
public class IMDB {/ div>
field) {...}} People of the public class {//} "new indexmember ()" to get started before the first access , Or // init on startup (some other manifest has been used previously) // Public Static Index Numbers for Less Verticality & lt; Int & gt; favoriteCelebrityID; Public stable indexmember & lt; String & gt; last name; Public string first; } Public Class IndexMember & lt; T & gt; {// ...} If I can apply it then I am very satisfied with it, but any improvement or alternative solution is always welcome.
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