I would like to locate / validate genration my php error log on redhat fedora 20 linux -

I am working with the lampserver to generate an application and I'm getting a 'white screen'.

I have looked for help through stack overflow and most of the posts suggest viewing the php.log file.

I looked in php.ini and my error_log was empty and display_errors = on

On this site, I read error_log = /var/log/php-scripts.log and display_errors = closed,

I went to the application and went to / var / log / php -scripts.log was also not created The application was started and the file containing my php code was launched but my php code did nothing and php-scripts.log was still not present.

I have created php-scripts.log and set permissions - RRR-RW- and again nothing was written in the tour file.

Can someone help me in creating a log file and gaining some valuable information?

Hi Arkasha Yes this appet is running on the localhost on my Linux laptop, as I have made changes I restarted the laptop, the file I created with Dell (it was still empty) ) My app ran again and still no log file was found.

Hi, yes it's Apache, I found an error_log file and an access_log file in the last entry in the error_log file that ended at 11:51:12 and I ran my app more often since then. Last 4 lines: - [Mon 21 Apr 11: 51: 03.216320 2014] [Core: Notice] [PID 829] SLEINX policy enabled; [http: 11: 51: 08.948152 2014] [auth_digest: notice] [pid 829] AH 01757: Creating secrets for digest authentication ... [Mon 21 Apr 11: 51: 08.951835 2014] [lbmethod_heartbeat: notice] [pid 829] AH 022282: No slot Monday 21 April 11: 51: 12.667742 2014] [PP829] AH 0063: Apache / 2.4.6 (Fedora) PHP / 5.5.7 Configurations - Normal Operations Launch [Mon 21 Apr 11:51 ]: 12.667869 2014] [Core: Notice] [PID829] AH 00094: Command Line: '/ usr / sbin / httpd -D Foreground'

There is also an access.log file Only entries in: - - [21 / Apr / 2014: 11: 49: 19 +0100] "Options * HTTP / 1.0" 200 - "" Apache / 2.4.6 (Fedora) PHP / 5.5.7 (Internal Dummy Connection) " - - [21 / Apr / 2014: 11: 49: 20 +0100]" Options * HTTP / 1.0 "200 -" Apache / 2.4.6 (Fedora) PHP / 5.5.7 (Trainee "Dynamic Connection " - - [21 / Apr / 2014: 11: 49: 19 +0100]" Options * HTTP / 1.0 "200 -" "Apache / 2.4.6 (Fedora) PHP / 5.5.7 (Internal Dummy " - - [21 / Apr / 2014: 11: 49: 20 +0100]" Options * HTTP / 1.0 "200 -" Apache / 2.4.6 (Fedora) PHP / 5.5.7 (Internal Dummy Connection) " - - [21 / Apr / 2014: 11: 56: 08 +0100]" GET /newarch/index.php/lgncntrl/ HTTP/1 .1 "200 65602" - "" Mozilla / 5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; RV: 26.0) GICCO / 20100101 Firefox / 26.0 " - - [21 / April / 2014: 17: 12: 47 +0100]" Received / Nov / Index. php / lgncntrl / HTTP / 1.1 "200 65837" - "" Mozilla / 5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv: 26.0) Gecho / 20100101 Firefox / 26.0 " - - [21 / April / 2014: 17: 13: 12 +0100] "received / Nov / INDEX.fpp / lgncntrl / login / HTTP / 1.1" 200 65650 "-" "Mozilla / 5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv: 26.0) Gecho / 20100101 Firefox / 26.0" - - [21 / Apr / 2014: 17: 14: 30 +0100] "GET /newarch/index.php/lgncntrl/login/ HTTP / 1.1" 200 65650 "-" "Mozilla / 5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv : 26.0) Geico / 20100101 Firefox / 26.0 "127.0.1 - - [21 / Apr / 2014: 17: 15: 08 +0100]" GET /newarch/index.php/lgncntrl/login/ HTTP / 1.1 "200 65885" - "" Mozilla / 5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; V: 26.0) Gikko / 20100101 Firefox / 26.0 " - - [21 / Apr / 2014: 17: 32: 43 +0100]" GET /newarch/index.php/lgncntrl/login/ HTTP / 1.1 "200 65650 "-" Mozilla / 5.0 (X11; Linux X86_64; RV: 26.0) Gecho / 20100101 Firefox / 26.0 "

Newark / Index.php / lgncntrl / login / my application

Thank you

I'm going to create an assumption

You are using Apache Probably should check the error log of your HTTP server first. Try to run:

  tail -f / var / log / httpd / error_log   

... and then refreshing whatever page is empty in your browser Coming back . If that file does not exist, then I will use ErrorLog Definition & amp; See which file indicates.


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