c++ - Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'ProfileTypePassed' is being used without being initialized -
I get the error Run-time Check Failer # 3 - Inner 'typed without profiles'. My code is below, I successfully execute it from its Firewall API MSDN, but in some way there is an error in this program.
zero Get_FirewallSettings_PerProfileType (NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2 type profiles, INetFwPolicy2 * pNetFwPolicy2); Start HRESULT WFCOM (INetFwPolicy2 ** ppNetFwPolicy2); Zero Class 123 :: Get_FirewallSettings_PerProfileType (NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2 ProfileTappaced, INetFwPolicy2 * pNetFwPolicy2) {ProfileTypePassed; WFCOMInitialize (& amp; pNetFwPolicy2); VARIANT_BOOL bIsEnabled = FALSE; NET_FW_ACTION action; HRESULT hrComInit = S_OK; HRESULT HR = S_OK; TicSocialAmilement * msg31 = New Ticusal Element ("Firawal"); TiXmlElement childText0 ("Type"); TiXmlNode * childNode0; CString sTemp; HrComInit = CoInitializeEx (0, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); // RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE Ignored; This means that COM has already been started with a different mode. Since we do not care what the mode is, // we will use the current mode. If (hrComInit! = RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE) {if (FAILED (hrComInit)} {printf ("CoInitializeEx failed: 0x% 08lx \ n", hrComInit); Goto cleaning; }} Start WFCOM (& amp; pNetFwPolicy2); If (SUCCEEDED (pNetFwPolicy2- & gt; get_Firewall is enabled (profile type, & amp; bIsEnabled)) {sTemp = bIsEnabled? "Capable disable"; childText0.value = "phirol status"; Childtext0. Linked Bundle (GetCharArray (Estepp)); childNode0 = msg31- & gt; InsertEndChild (childText0); childText0.Clear (); // printf ("firewall% s \ n",); } If (SUCCEEDED (pNetFwPolicy2- & gt; get_BlockAllInboundTraffic) (profile type, & amp; bIsEnabled)) {sTemp = bIsEnabled? "Capable disable"; ChildText0.value = "Block All Inbound Traffic"; Childtext0. Linked Bundle (GetCharArray (Estepp)); childNode0 = msg31- & gt; InsertEndChild (childText0); ChildText0.Clear (); } If (SUCCEEDED (pNetFwPolicy2-> get_NotificationsDisabled (profile format, & amp; bIsEnabled)) {sTemp = bIsEnabled? "Capable disable"; childText0.value = "notification AR"; Childtext0. Linkedband (GetCharArray (Estimate)); childNode0 = msg31- & gt; InsertEndChild (childText0); childText0.Clear (); } If (SUCCEEDED (pNetFwPolicy2- & gt; get_UnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcastDisabled (profile format, & amp; bIsEnabled))} {sTemp = bIsEnabled? "Capable disable"; ChildText0.value = "unicost reports is a metallicbrodcast"; Childtext0. Linked Bundle (GetCharArray (Estepp)); ChildNode0 = msg31- & gt; InsertEndChild (childText0); childText0.Clear (); } If (SUCCEEDED (pNetFwPolicy2-> get_DefaultInboundAction) (profile form, and operation)) {sTemp = bIsEnabled? "Capable disable"; ChildText0.value = "is the default inbound action"; Childtext0. Linked Bundle (GetCharArray (Estepp)); ChildNode0 = msg31- & gt; InsertEndChild (childText0); ChildText0.Clear (); } (SUCCEEDED (pNetFwPolicy2- & gt; get_DefaultOutboundAction (ProfilePerform, and Action))} {sTemp = bIsEnabled? "Capable disable"; ChildText0.value = "Default is the outbound action"; Childtext0. Linked Bundle (GetCharArray (Estepp)); ChildNode0 = msg31- & gt; InsertEndChild (childText0); ChildText0.Clear (); } Net - & gt; LinkedBold (msg31); Cleanup: // release INetFwPolicy2 if (pNetFwPolicy2! = NULL) {pNetFwPolicy2-> Release (); } // COM start if SUCCEEDED (hrComInit) {CoUninitialize (); }} // Instantiate INetFwPolicy2 HRESULT Class 123 :: Start WFCOM (INetFwPolicy2 ** ppNetFwPolicy2) {HRESULT hr = S_OK; HR = cooker instance (__eidof (netfow policy 2), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __UIDOFWPolicy2, (zero **) PPNFF policy 2); If (FAILED (HR)) {printf ("concert instances for INetFwPolicy2 failed: 0x% 08lx \ n", hr); Goto cleaning; } Cleaning: Returns HR; } Zero square 123 :: onbank buttonWrite xml () {class 123 obj_XML; Obj_xml.initilizeXMLFile (); Type the NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2 profiles; INETFwPolicy2 * pNetFwPolicy2 = NULL; Obj_XML.WFCOMInitialize (& amp; pNetFwPolicy2); obj_XML.Get_FirewallSettings_PerProfileType ((ProfileTypePassed), (pNetFwPolicy2)); Obj_XML.SaveXMLFile (); AfxMessageBox (_T ("success")); }
in class 123 :: OnBnClickedBtnWritexml , you have , In a nutshell: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2 profiles are encrypted; // (1) obj_XML.Get_FirewallSettings_PerProfileType ((ProfileTypePassed), (pNetFwPolicy2)); // (2) et (1), has been typed out of the form but not initialized (2), its use was initialized first Without being.
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