c# - Cache Dataset in session to fetch on demand -
I'm considering WCF or Marmot as a framework for rental service, where business / legacy The code that needs to be accessed requires Delphi to have a foundation in the demonstration project. Application should be prepared for balance balancing. The rest of the service is the desktop windows of the desktop, these desktop clients allow the user to view large amounts of data, which have huge results in SQL statements. What is the best way to apply a service to cache a record set and to consume it slowly through a reissue service, can a good example show? RecordSet should be cached in session, as long as the customer does not complete the consultation or decides to reach the fetch. I am looking for the right architecture?
Enabling load balancing will work in WCF? Due to the record set being cadeted on one server, along with line requests, if any, should come to the same server.
Both WCF and mORMot have the same high-performance kernel-mode http.sys share the server both the features IOCP and multi-threading. For display, mORMot will allocate less memory, the garbage collector will not be affected by the freeze, and is able to obtain JSON content directly from the database engine (most temporary data conversion And by-pass allocation) - so that you were briefly prepared to perform service of REST / JSON content from underground mORMot - with a multi-threaded kernel (such as node.js Is mono-threaded). If your objective is to cache some data too, then mORMot works very well as 64-bit native services, allowing access to all your system RAM, and built-in is. WCF is a great general purpose communication library, which can be tragic, but its (historical) roots are not much less than the main issue I have seen with WCF in configuring it among applications Difficulty (.exe config tuning can be confusing), and this is a big black box. For example, it was not possible to apply with WCF when the server is hosted as a Windows service ( Instead of using the round-robin algorithm in your case with the load balance of mORMot and the WCF same algorithm, a simple routing based on the content can be sufficient. Using WCF to serve business logic written in Delphi would be difficult to slow, error prone and maintain. The mixture technology inspires unnecessary complexity. I will not go in this direction. If you have an existing Delphi code base, and some Delphi skills, I think mORMot might be a better option than this example that the same server copy on production The day is capable of handling more than one million requests, serving thousands of concurrent clients on the server side. mORMot was one of the design goals but I am not 100% fair, because I am the main maintenance of this open source project. :) Access-Control-Allow-Origin: HTTP header is removed by WCF!) : You have to host in IIS - and you can not fix this issue, while with a full open source solution, you can fix any problems.
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