c++ cli - How do you set the version of a C++/CLI project in Visual Studio? -

I am working with a C ++ / CLI project which wraps the C ++ native library in Visual Studio 2012 is.

In my C ++ / CLI project there is an assembly, InfocPPP. I set up all the areas there, which includes "assembly version optimization", however, when I made my project and examined properties in its explorer, then the version information is empty.

This is my first C ++ / CLI project, I'm going to all the options in Project Properties, but I can not find anybody working to set the version.

How do you set versions for the C ++ / CLI project?


I will add information to my assembly I just filled the fields that were present, when I created the project it was automatically generated.

  using namespace system; Using the namespace system: Reflection; Namespace System :: Runtime :: Using Compiler Services; Namespace System :: Runtime: Using Interop Services; Namespace System :: Security :: Using Permissions; [Assembly: AssemblyTitleAttribute ("MyTitle")]; [Assembly: AssemblyDescriptionAttribute ("")]; [Assembly: AssemblyConfigurationAttribute ("")]; [Assembly: AssemblyCompanyAttribute ("")]; [Assembly: AssemblyProductAttribute ("MyProduct")]; [Assembly: Assembly copyright rights ("Copyright © 2014")]; [Assembly: AssemblyTrademarkAttribute ("Ink")]; [Assembly: AssemblyCultureAttribute ("")]; [Assembly: AssemblyVersionAttribute ("3.9.0")]; [Assembly: ComVisible (wrong)]; [Assembly: CLSCompliantAttribute (right)]; [Assembly: Safeguard (security action :: request minimum, unmanaged code = true)];  

The 'details' page in Windows Explorer is pulling information from unmanaged structures to fill the file You will need to create an unmanaged version resource in order to fill that file.

  1. In Visual Studio, add a "resource file (.rc)" to your project, if you do not already have one
  2. In the resource file, a new " Version "Add resource"
  3. Fill in your information

    I recommend that you also maintain various assembly attributes in your AssemblyInfo.cpp file. If you use reflection to obtain information about the assembly, then it will use the material in AssemblyInfo.cpp, not in assembly processing.


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