ios - Fix UIBarButtonItem dimming from a master controller -
I have found a strange bug which I hope is not the OS problem. I have a partition view controller and when I am in landscape mode, the back button button items appear properly. However, when I tell the master controller all the time button items from the picture, they are dimmed. I do not have any code that sets this back button item, but they are set up using the default behavior. In this master controller I have many levels and they retain slow behavior later. Any ideas?
Some controllers have some code Edit I had another idea: maybe the buttons are not dim but tinted. In iOS 7, if you set tintAdjustmentMode
is set to
UIViewTintAdjustmentModeDimmed and it has never been reset to
UIViewTintAdjustmentModeNormal (or, and, properly,
UIViewTintAdjustmentModeAutomatic ) . You should try to understand why it is, but in any case you can work around it by resetting yourself.
tintcolor for one time It does not tint the bar, but the bar button tint the item is easy to get caught by one ...
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