c++ - Parse encrypted file with openssl -
I have encrypted a file with openssl, now I would like to read the encrypted file (actually the file Parsing) without decrypting it. Actually I want to see if there is a certain word in the encrypted file, how can I do it? I searched different blogs and posts and the only solution I can do is to decrypt the file (which creates a new readable file), search for the word in the decrypted file and then delete it. Since I do not need to make a decrypted copy of the file and then delete it, is there any way that I can parse / read the file without decrypting it? I should probably mention that I am using c ++, but I do not think it really matters, am I right? Thanks in advance for all help, you can give me
There is no way to parse the file is encrypted (at least if you are right, The weak can not be broken - in this context, "Caesar cipher or XOR cipher calculation" is not as insignificant as "too much everything").
In other words, you have to find a way to decrypt content - a solution is to decrypt memory, or An example (here is written as a general idea, exact code may require some adjustment): stdout and read using a pipe File for
FILE * p = popen (" openssl des3 -d-in myfile. encrypted "," R "); int ch; While ((ch = fgetc (p))! = EOF) {... process of a character at a time ...} pclose (p);
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