Javascript constructor behaviour -
I have a question regarding the JS constructor function. I have the following code:
var PersonConstructorFunction = function (first name, last name, gender) {this.personFirstName = firstName; This.personListName = lastname; this.person gender = gender; this.personFullName = function () {return.personFirstName + "" + this.personListName; }; this.personGreeting = ceremony (person) {if (this.personGender == "male") {return "hello shri" + this.personFullName (); } And if (this.person gender == "female") {return "hello misses" + this.personFullName (); } And {return "Hello there!"; }}; }; var p = new public control functions ("Donald", "Duck", "Male"); P2 = new person control function ("Lola", "Bunny", "Women"); document.write (p2.personGreeting (p2) + ""); The result is very clear - - Hello Mrs. Lola Bunny - The question is: There are two equal objects and the properties and methods P2 with the same number when I call the person's greeting method and pass the second object as the argument, then I can not understand the following behavior:
** document.write (p2.personGreeting (p) + ""); ** In this case, I receive - Hello Mrs. Lola Bunny - , but what about the P object is passed in the form of logic? The person gets the greeting of the person greeting, determines his gender, and the BSD shows the congratulations on the result.
Resally I learned C # and the constructors work there equally.
You are not doing anything with the passed parameters Since you are using this , only the variables within your constructor are being called. You can person. PersonFullName (); and this will mean that the parameter member will be called personFullName () and not your constructor
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