Elif invalid syntax python -
I have an invalid syntax on my alif statement, why is this code:
While correct_turns! = len (word): if correct_turns == len (word): finish () estimate = input ("Please take one letter from above:") in the word is not an estimate and not used in letters: used Gel_Laster (use of estimation, display, letters) is assumed in alphabetical terms and words: Correct (estimation, performance, correct_ty, use of letters) Letters do not have elif estimation and not word: incorrect (estimation, performance, letters Not used Defense is) not use Application: estimates Elif letter made Ga_lestr (has used estimates, performance, characters) Elif Len (estimated) & gt; 1: Estimate_word (estimation)
Your first elif only If a should be , then its indentation will be given. Alif s is not really related to the first even .
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