ios - UINavigationController push crashes with Unrecognized Selector barStyle -
Very well this is a memory related issue, but it is always happening in one place, when one on the navigation New controller controller stack
current activation viewer controller = controller = [[current vector viewer controller allot] init]; Controller delegate = self; [Controller setmodeltransition style: UIodal transistition flip horizontal]; [Self. Navigation Controller present ViewController: Animated Controller: Not Complete: Zero]; Accidents are always a randomly received object, but always before the same stack calls, another interesting thing is that it seems that only devices with devices of 4 and 4 7.0 Not running simulator, running on a 3.5inch device, then getting back to memory issues, there is not much help to reproduce on going there.
Thread:. Crashed: thread 0 libobjc. A.dylib 0x39b42b26 objc_msgSend + 5 1 UIKit 0x32039677 - [_ UINavigationPaletteBackground _syncWithBarStyles] 42 2 UIKit 0x3203924b - [_ UINavigationPaletteBackground updateBackgroundView] 94 3 UIKit 0x324e4bd3 + [_ UIBackdropView setAllBackdropViewsToGraphicsQuality:] + 458 4 UIKit 0x31f297b5 __85- [UIView (hierarchy) _makeSubtreePerformSelector : With object: with object: copybluelers:] _ block_inwok + 76 5 uiqt 0x31f296e5 - [UIView] _makeboottreefirefinder: with realistic: with-object: copyblueer:] + 376 6UIKET 0x31f297d5 __85- [UIView (hierarchy) _mixbutterfirmer selector: Companion Trivia: Y ThObject: copySublayers:] _ block_invoke + 108 7 UIKit 0x31f296e5 - [UIView (hierarchy) _makeSubtreePerformSelector: withObject: withObject: copySublayers:] + 376 8 UIKit 0x31f365c3 - [UIView (internal) _addSubview: Status: Relative:] + 418 9 UIKit 0x31f36417 - [UIView (hierarchy) AddSubview:] 10 UIKit 0x32017d8f - [UITransitionView transition: view: toView: removeFromView:] + 978 11 UIKit 0x320173b3 __101- [UIWindowController transition: ViewController: toViewController: target: didEndSelector: animation:] _ block_invoke_2 12 UIKit 0x320151b1 - [UIWindowController Transition: fromViewController: toViewController: Target: didEndSelector: Animation:] 13 UIKit 0x32012e25 - [UIViewController presentViewController: withTransition: Completion:] 4668 14 roadid 0x 001195b7 __67- [NewActivitySetupViewController activityViewControllerStartTimer:] _block_invoke (NewActivitySetupViewController.m: 1372) This is the crash with the most random objects, but always the bar style Along with or, in my App Representative I'm using UIAppearance proxy to set some style stuff on UINavigationController, this is the only place I am also messing with the UINavigationController style, but especially barStyle if ([self-iOSIdentifier] == iOSVersion7) {[UINavigationBar subsystem Condition] setBackgroundImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "titlebar_iOS7.png"] forBarMetrics: UIBarMetricsDefault]; } Else {[UINavigationBar presence] setBackgroundImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "title_bar.png"] forBarMetrics: UIBarMetricsDefault]; } [[UINavigationBar presence] setTitleTextAttributes: @ {UITextAttributeTextColor: [UIColor whiteColor], UITextAttributeTextShadowColor: [UIColor colorWithRed: 0.0 green: 0.0 blue: 0.0 alpha: 0.8 f], UITXITITTECH shadowoffs: [UIFFETET with NSV value: UIoffsetMake (0, -1) )]}]; [[UINavigationBar appearanceWhenContainedIn: [ABPeoplePickerNavigationController class], [ABNewPersonViewController class], zero] setBackgroundImage: forBarMetrics zero: UIBarMetricsDefault]; [[UIApplication ShareApp] setStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyleLightContent]; In the end it looks like a crash in the internal content naturally with an immutable controller, but I can not send a bug report to reproduce without any problem in the problem Looking for?
If this is a model view, you will need to present it with the current view controller, not Its navigation controller
this line ... <. [self.navigationController presentViewController: animated controller: not completed: zero];
should be ...
[present-day current viewcontroller: animated controller: not complete: zero]; For more information, see
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