css - Creating a Foundation-style Block Grid in Bootstrap 3? -
In Zurb Foundation 3+, they have a CSS of "Block Grid" which is an ornord list where you specify Can number of objects in a row
There is no such way that I can see in Bootstrap 3; Only columns are I would like to have the ability to easily display a duplicated element (such as a LI) as a responsive grid, where I can specify how many breakpoints according to the Foundation.
I can do my own role, but wants to see if anyone has been suggested or had come here earlier.
I also wish BS3 had this feature. You have to make your own solution.
By using percentages to define the width, the null-hair selector and the adjustment margin, my normal actions are the same way.
[class * = "block-grid-"] {display: block; Padding: 0; Margin: 0 -0.55556rem; } [Class * = "block-grid -"]> gt; Li {display: Block; Height: auto; Swim left; Padding: 0 0.55556rem 1.11111rem; } .small-block-grid-3 & gt; Li {width: 33.33333%; List style: none; } .small-block-grid-3 & gt; Li: NT-OF-Type (1N) {Clear: None; } .small-block-grid-3 & gt; Li: NT-OF-Type (3n + 1) {Clear: Both; }
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