Python GTK3 inheritance -

How can I get GTK + 3 class in Python? I am trying to create a legacy class of Gtk.Application and what I have found is a segfault.

I have tried a lot of things, but with this I got a segfault:

  class program (Gtk.Application): def __init __ (self): super () .__ init __ (self) ... PRG = ("APP_ID", flags)    "post-text" itemprop = "text"> 

If I try my code snippet, I actually get:

  traceback (most recent call final): In the file "", line 12, & lt; Module & gt; PRG = ("APP_ID", 0) Writing Error: Application Maker can not be used to create examples of a subclass program   

Which is expected, since you call Python Using the code for gtk_application_new () should try the ()

python manufacturer form. class program (Gtk.Application): def __init __ (self): Gtk.Application .__ init __ (auto, APPLICATION_ID = "org.example.Foo", flags = Gio.ApplicationFlags .FLAGS_NONE) PRG = Programs () sys.exit ( (sys.argv));

This will actually warn you that you have not implemented the GApplication :: activate virtual function, which can be achieved by overriding the do_activate Virtual method in your program class:

  class program (Gtk.Application): def __init __ (self): Gtk.Application .__ init __ (self, APPLICATION_ID = "org.example.Foo", flags = Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE) Def do_activate (self): print ("active!")   

this will print < code> active Console, before leaving.


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