c# - Query Related to Sql -
This query gives me an error "string" myCOnnection "how to solve it" after unclosed quatation marks. Company_Master (C_Name, M_Name, L_No, Tax_No, PO_No, location, state, country, telephone, fax_home, email_id, website, currency_name, company_logo, apt, apf) values ('+ text box 1 in the text '),' "+ text box 2. text +" ',' '+ text box 3. Text + "',' '+ text box 4. text +"', "" + text box 5. text + "','" + text box 6. text + "','" + text box 7. text + "',' '+ Text box 8 Text + "',' '+ text box 9. text +"', '"+ text box 10. text +"', '"+ text box 11 text" + ",'" + text box 12. text + "',' + 'Text box 13. Text + "','" + picture box 1. Picture + "','" + DateTime Picture 1 Price + "','" + DateTime Picture 2 Value + "')" my connection);
You forgot to add a comma after querying myConnection P>
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