java - How I solve this IndexError? -
My problem is that I need to convert this Java code into Python:
Public stable byte x1 = 0, x2 = 0, x3 = 0, x4 = 0, x5 = 0, x6 = 0; The dragon is in the Java code
Jaman told me that I can only put it in this line: <<> <<> x = [0] * 6 But now when I run the code I see it:
Traceback (make the most recent last call): File "", line 62, I have already seen other posts but I do not get it yet. It is part of the code:
# - * - coding: UTF-8 - * - Import serial data OSEM = Baitier (5) print (datosom) detosom [0] = 65 print (detosom) X = [0] * 6 k = 0; Trama = 1; B = 0; C = 0; Conexion = True; Resp = 0 if (conexion): # {print ('conexion ON'), while (resp & lt; 200): print ('save data') while (c == 0): # {print ('what is c ? ') X [0] = datosOEM [k]; If (x [0] == 1): # {Print ('What's x [0]?') X [1] = Detos OEM [K + 1]; If ((x [1] and 1) == 1): # {print ('what is x [1]?') C = 1; #} #} Kashmir = K + 1; #} K = k-1; ... To be clear, my question is: How can I create some bitereseries in the python that are not out of bounds? I appreciate every support that you can give me with this.
Please, do not be hard with me. I am just learning
To solve this problem, I changed a bit if I changed
if (x [0] == 1): if ((x [1] & amp; 1) == 1): if (x [0] == 0): if ((x [1] & amp; 1 ) == 0): And in this way I can fix the problem
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