Git couldn't find remote ref... but I can't either -

I have a strange problem with Git where I have 2013.rel25 , but I Do not know where it is. This is a branch that was merged and originally deleted earlier.

  C: \ Project & gt; GIT Bridge Fatal: Report Ref / Head / 2013.rel25 C: \ project & gt; git branch -a * Master remotes / root / head - & gt; Basic / Master Remotes / Basic / MasterC: \ Project> GIT Remote Plan Basic C: \ Project & gt; GIT Bridge Fatal: Report Ref / Head / 2013.rel25   

How can I find out that this is referring to the dead branch which is neither locally present nor remote Is on And then, how can I remove or correct the context so that I can go back by dragging the local master from the original / master?

Edit: My .git / config file specifically refers to a fret head, I think I have it manually I will remove from: [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = false bellow = false logallrefupdates = true simulink = false ignore = hide hidden = DotFiles = dotGitOnly [remote "original"] url = git @ any / project.git fetch = + refs / heads / *: refs / remotes / origin / * fetch = refs / heads / 2013.rel25: refs / remotes / orig / 2013.rel25 [branch "owner"] Remote = Original Merge = REF / Head / Master

To find a way to extract it through the command line, so I edited my code on .git / config and removed this line:

  fetch = refs /heads/2013.rel25:refs/remotes/origin/2013.rel25    


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