android - Putting one imagebutton and one button side by side on FrameLayout -
I have a framelayout to show a Google Map, at the top left corner, I have an image button that throws an action Now I have to put a button on the right side. This is my layout because now it is, the Button Button has overlaped the image:
& lt; Frame layout xmlns: android = "" xmlns: tool = "" xmlns: map = "http: // schemas / apk / res-auto "Android: layout_width =" match_parent "Android: layout_height =" match_parent "tool: reference =". Empresas_Mapa "& gt; & Lt; Android: layout_height = "fill_parent" Android: layout_weight = "1" class = "" android: id = "@ + id / map" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: Scrollbar = "vertical" /> & Lt; Android: onDick = "OpenRuta" Android: src = "@ drawable / navigator": Android: id = "id + id / radio_group_list_selector" Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: padding = "4dp" Android: Text = "Como Lailger Dades Aqua ..." /> & lt; Android: padding = "4dp" Android: src = "@ drawable / navigator": Android: id = "@ + id / btnShowLocation" Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: onClick = "openRuta" Android: Text = "Vert My Poesy Actual" /> & lt; / FrameLayout & gt;
There are several ways to get this
& Lt; Android: id = "@ + id / btnShowLocation" Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: onClick = "openRuta" Android: padding = "4dp" Android: paddingLeft = "40dp" / An Android has been added: src = "@drawable / navigator" Android: text = "vermicelli posi real" /> Or you can try
& lt; linearLayout Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: orientation = "horizontal" & gt; & Lt; Android: onDick = "OpenRuta" Android: src = "@ drawable / navigator": Android: id = "id + id / radio_group_list_selector" Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: padding = "4dp" Android: Text = "Como Lailger Dades Aqua ..." /> & lt; Android: padding = "4dp" Android: src = "@ drawable / navigator": Android: id = "@ + id / btnShowLocation" Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: onClick = "openRuta" Android: Text = "Vert My Poesy Actual" /> & lt; / LinearLayout & gt;
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