spring mvc - Ext Js Filefield issue in Internet Explorer8 and 9 -
I have a file field in my form. When I submit the form through the controller, showing the IE security bar That's what I'm trying to download a file on the computer, which is exactly what I'm doing (I'm uploading a file). And everything works great when I submit the form to the server using FF. But there is a problem with IE8 and Ie 9.
Administrator action:
var myForm = Ext.getCmp ('uploaddraftpcpPanel'). GetForm (); // Get original form if (myForm.isValid ()) {// Make sure the form contains valid data before submitting my form ({header: {enctype: 'multipart / form-data; charset = UTF-8 '}, Url:' upload / uploaddraftpcp.action ', success: work (myForm, verb) {Ext.Msg.alert (' success', "success");}, failure: function (myForm, action) {Ext. Msg warning ('failed', 'unsuccessful');}}); } Else {// display error warning if the data is invalid Ext.Msg.alert ('Invalid data', 'Please fix errors.'); } The server side code looks like this:
@RequestMapping (value = "/upload/uploaddraftpcp.action", method = RequestMethod.POST) Public @ Responseboard Map & lt; String ,? Object & gt; Expanded UploadDraftPCP (HTTPSArlate Request) (map & lt; string, object & gt; modelmap = new hashmop & lt; string, object & gt; (2); try {system.out.println ("title pcp" + request .getParameter ("title"); System.out.println ("description pcp" + request.getParameter ("description"); // response.setContentType ("text / html"); modelMap.put ("message" , "Successfully submitting form"); modelMap.put ("success", true); return modelmap;} hold (exception e) {System.out.println (e.toString ()); e.printStackTrace (); Return ExtJSReturn .mapError ("Error in Retrieving Data . ");}}
, file upload does not use normal 'Ajax' techniques Instead, they do not use XMLHttpRequests, instead a hidden element with all the fields is created temporarily and stored with a set target to refer to the dynamically-generated, hidden Which is inserted into the document, but remove the return data after it is collected Or.
Respond is parsed by the browser to create a document for server IFRAME. If the server is using JSON to send the return object, then the Content-type header should be set to text / html> in order to insert the unchanged text Ask for documents in the body. Chrome, FF, IE 10 and up only when they see Content-type = application / json in the feedback header. However, when you do that for IE8 and IE9, when a file upload from a server reponds, you see a message saying something along the line: "Do you want to open or save this document"? , to decide whether to set content / type to text / html in IE8 and IE9 and you are okay, the modern browser gives only one response, so you can do anything with that solution Are not breaking.
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