python - SQLAlchemy: Return list of associated records shared by two given records -
If / how can I return the list of tags shared between two blog posts with SQLAlchemy or if I need to draw each tag separately and compare it on the Python side. Take this example (borrowed from):
import sqlalchemy alc session = alc.seessionmaker (bind = engine) session = session () base = alc.declarative_base (bind = engine) ) Class tag (base): __tablename__ = 'tags' id = alc.column (alc.Integer, primary_key = true) name = alc.Column (alc.String) def __repr __ (self): return' & lt; Tag '% s' & gt;' % class post (base): __tablename__ = 'posts' id = alc.column (alc.Integer, primary_key = true) text = alc.Column (alc.String) def __repr __ (self): return' & lt ; Post ID% d & gt; '% class postag (base): __tablename__ =' post_tags' post_id = alc.Column (alc.Integer, alc.ForeignKey (''), primary_key = true) tag_ id = alc.Column (alc.Integer , Alc.ForeignKey (''), primary_keys = True) = = alc.relationship ("post", backref = "ptags") tag = alc.relationship ("tag", backref = "tposts") tagging_user_name = alc. Column (Alec String) I am trying to figure out that to return a given query to two posts, returned a list of tags shared by both Will go. For example, if we have a tag "recipe", "audio", "sweet" and "vegetarian" with post_1 tag "recipe", "guestpost", "video", and "vegetarian", and post_2. .
I have come to know:
session.query (post) .join (posttag) .filter (posttag tag.has (name = 'joke' )). All () will return every post to "joke" in a list, but I am hurt that how do I get a list of tags shared between two posts, which I Want to start with tag ? Any help would be much appreciated.
This works for me:
to sqlalchemy.sql Import is present, and_ pt1 = exists (). Where (and ((PostTag.tag_id ==, PostTag.post_id == id1)) pt2 = exists (where) (and_ (PostTag.tag_id ==, PostTag post_id == id2)) tags = Session.query ( .filter (pt1, pt2) .all () The SQL should produce as follows:
The name of the tag is present from selection (post_ tags from selection 1 where tag_ id = id and post_ id = & lt; post id 1 & gt;) and existing (SELECT 1 FROM post_tags WHERE tag_ id = id and post_id = & lt; post id 2 & gt ;)
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