java - Printing an int array in a certain way -
In this form I will have to print my last array 1 2 3 4 5 mega: 6 Now it is printing my numbers All is connected and I'm not sure how to create spacing and to add the word Mega between the 5th and the 6th number in the array
import java.util.Scanner; Public class super lottoplus {// script public static entry] Generate subtotal lotions () {int [] number; Numbers = new int [6]; Numbers [0] = (int) (47 * Math. Random ()) + 1; Number [1] = (int) (47 * math.rendum ()) + 1; Numbers [2] = (int) (47 * Math.Rendam ()) + 1; Number [3] = (int) (47 * math.rendum ()) + 1; Numbers [4] = (int) (47 * Math.rendum ()) + 1; Numbers [5] = (int) (27 * math.rendum ()) + 1; Return number; } // method to print the method public static zero printrate (int [] array) {int i; (I = 0; i & lt; array_lb; i ++) for {System.out.print (array [i]); }} // Print ticket number based on the number of tickets the user wants (n) public static zero main (string [] args) {int n; Scanner Keyboard = New Scanner (; System.out.println ("How many lottery tickets would you like?"); n = keyboard.nextInt (); For (int i = 0; i & lt; n; i ++) {printTicket (generates Lotton points ()); Println (); }}}}
Just add spaces, and check a conditional if you set it The final number for that is mega
public static zero printet (int [] array) {int i; (I = 0; i & lt; arrays.label; i ++) for {if (i == array.length - 1) {System.out.print ("mega:"); } System.out.print (array [i]); System.out.print (""); }
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