special character are not displayed properly in android webView -

When I display a WebView page in my Android device (4.0) I think That particular character like ÃÆ'à à ⠀ ™ a is not displayed properly, like Enter image details here

and this is my WebView code.

  Extends the public square browser activity {WebView ourBrow; String Address; @ Override Protected Zero (InstanceStat saved from bundle) {// Todo auto-generated method stub super. Connet (Saved Instantstate); setContentView (R.layout.browser); Try {getActionBar () SetDisplayShowHomeEnabled (wrong); } Hold (Exception E) {} Try {ourBrow = (WebView) findViewById (R.id.wvBrowser); ourBrow.getSettings () setJavaScriptEnabled (true). . OurBrow.getSettings () setLoadWithOverviewMode (true); . OurBrow.getSettings () setUseWideViewPort (true); ourBrow.setWebViewClient (New Our ViewClient ()); OurBrow.setWebChromeClient (New WebChromeClient ()); OurBrow.getSettings () setSupportMultipleWindows (true). String url = null; Intent = getIntent (); Try {if (intention! = Tap) {if (intent.getExtras ()! = Null} {url = intent.getExtras (). GetString ("url"); }} If (url! = Null & amp;! Url.equals ("")) {ourBrow.loadUrl (url); }} Hold (exception e) {}} hold (exception e) {}} @ override protected pause at zero () {// TODO auto generated method STAB Super. Ultimate (); If (our owls! = Null) {ourBrow.stopLoading (); OurBrow.onPause (); // prevents background threads, blocks sound playback. Pause Timers (); // prevents WebViewCore}} @ override public boolean on cret option menu (menu menu) {// to-auto auto-generated method stub MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater (); Inflater.inflate (R.MenuMeGoback, menu); Back true; } @ Override Public Boolean On Option Etym Selected (Menu Item) {// Todo Auto-Generated Method Stub Switches (Ietate.Gate ITMID)} // // When the setting was selected, Case R. goback: ourBrow.stopLoading (); OurBrow.onPause (); // prevents background threads, blocks sound playback. Pause Timers (); // WebViewCore stops our rave; DestroyDrawingCache (); // Removes the scene from our RAM = null; End(); break; Default: Break; } Back true; } The public class provides ourViewClient WebViewClient {@ Override Public Boolean Should Override URL Loading (WebView View, String URL) {// TODO Auto-Generated Method Stub //view.loadUrl(url); view.loadDataWithBaseURL (empty, url, "text / html", "utf-8", tap); Back true; }}    

You can change settings for page encoding. for example.

  Web settings setting = myWebView.getSettings (); settings.setDefaultTextEncodingName ("utf-8");   

You must make sure to set it before requesting to load the website.

should be supported in utf-8, so I do not know why not work otherwise.


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